for real

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"dad..." I said covering my mouth.

"h...hi" I said and we quickly hugged.

"what are you doing here?" I asked.

"checking on my daughter, and I brought your best friend" my dad siad.

I teared up as I saw my not so little brother get out of my dads car.

we ran to hug each other.

after we hugged my dad came out to where we were standing and Edwin followed my dad.

Edwin out his arm around me.

"so, should we go visit cas? Scottys in the car. and of course to make sure she's doing okay. with your mom and all," my dad said.

Edwin and I exchanged looks.

"huh?" I said.

"oh well cas told Scotty that your guys mom was upset and hadn't left her room in a week and a half, Cassie said she only ate if Cassie wasn't home. and Cassie wanted her to eat so she'd leave, but she'd come back. I don't know what happened." my dad said.

"oh my gosh." I said.

the last week and a half I've been so happy; and my mom; she has been hiding. all because of me..

"dad, do you have another daughter?" I said fighting my tears.

it was pouring and I didn't know why we were out here.

"Kylee," he started.

"this isn't about me it's about your mom" he said.

"no, this is about you. because mom told me you had another daughter, and I didn't believe her. I yelled, and screamed and unfortunately, I was stupid and confused and I hurt my mother. so tell me dad, was I wrong to not believe my mom?" I said.

"okay, this is gonna be a long conversation that I think your mom should be apart of," my dad said.

"no, I'm done with you, answer me." I said crying.

"okay, Kylee, yes I had a daughter three months after your mom and I had you, so technically 11 months before you were even born." my dad said.

I wiped my tears and Edwin grabbed my hand.

"you know, it's better that you grew up without me, Kylee. you didn't need me you had Edwin. you had Cassie. you had your incredible mother, and for awhile there your grandma, even when your mom and I were still together I wasn't really there. so, I'm just gonna have to say my final goodbye, Kylee. and if you decide when your grown up that you want to talk to me, you may. good luck, and say goodbye to Colin and Scotty, sorry. but it's better for you." My dad said.

I was crying.

"sorry if it's hard for you," my dad added.

"loosing you?" I said threw tears.

"no, no. that's not the problem at all. because I lost Edwin, and I can already tell that nothing can hurt more than that. but I got him back, and with him in my arms I know that everything will be okay. somehow, someday. and Colin, I'll miss you. but you'll be okay, and I'll be okay. best of luck, best friends for life" I wiped my eye.

"good luck with your mom, and with your happily ever after." my dad said and walked back to the car.

"I don't wanna say goodbye Kylee" Colin said crying.

"it's not goodbye. it's see ya later" I said and gave him one last hug.

"see ya later ky" he said.

"see ya Colin," I said and walked him get into the car and drive away.

it was silent.

Edwin pulled me into his arms.

I stopped crying.

there was know reason to be crying.

I wasn't left; I just learned that I was never actually my dads daughter. I mean sure; I am in blood, but mentally and physically I never was...

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