holy moly

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"hi sir, how can we help you?" Edwin said nervously.

"just going around to make sure everyone is safe. are you the owners of this house? you look a little young" the police officer said.

"no sir we don't own this house. my mom does, she's at the bank" edwin said.

"is anybody else here?" he asked.

right at that moment Chloe decided to scream.

"sorry sir that's my brothers girlfriend, there the only other people here" Edwin said and I ran to see what the hell they were doing.

"m'am don't go back there" the officer said. I listened and stopped walking.

the officer came in and went into the Brent's bedroom.

after a couple minutes they all walked out of the room.

"Chloe" I mumbled. "what the hell where you guys doing?" I added.

"we were being young adults" she winked and looked embarrassed.

I laughed.

"how old are you guys?" The officer asked.

"I'm 20, and she's 19" Brent said.

"and you?" He said to me.

"17 sir" I said and Edwin walked up next to me and grabbed my hand.

"does your mother know your here?" he asked. "yeah" I sorta lied.

"okay. now your a minor sweetie. therefor don't do what your influences where doing, it's against the law." The officer said and I bit my lip.

"it's not illegal if I'm okay with it, sir" I said.

"your somewhat correct there. but that's not the reason I'm here. I'm here to warn you to go down to the basement if you have one, and to let you know all the roads are closed and your mom may not be back until the storm is over" the officer said and left.

Edwin's phone rang, it was his mom.

his mom told us to go out to there outhouse, witch had a basement. and that she'd be there as quick as possible.

Edwin and I cleaned our faces off and we all ran out to the shed.

it was pouring.

the wind was screaming.

it was terrifying.

we all four got down to the basement in the outhouse.

there were flashlights luckily because the power had gone out.

Edwin and I sat on a bean bag together and snuggled up in a blanket and Chloe and Brent where on the floor with sleeping bags.

it had been thirty minutes since we had heard from Edwin's mom.

I could tell Edwin was scared for his mom, he just wasn't saying anything.

the door banged and we all screamed.

Edwin jumped up.

"mom?" He yelled.

I stood up as well and walked upstairs to the door.

"Edwin I can't get the door open!" his mom yelled from the other side of the door.

then it hit me; what about my mom and Cassie? where they okay?

i kept it to myself as we tried to open the door.

we finally got it open after like 10 minutes.

his mom was running back to the regular house, so Edwin decided to ran out there too.

"Edwin!" I screamed.

"Kylee stay there! im coming back" he yelled grabbing his moms hand.

his mom was limping.

she clearly needed help.

I ran out to them although he told me not too.

"Kylee!" He screamed.

"Go back in there! I don't want you to get hurt!" Edwin said and started running with his mom beside him.

I didn't go back in the shed.

he went behind his mom and pushed her into the door that was closer.

"Kylee!" Edwin screamed and ran toward me.

a chair was flying at me and I guess I was to scared to move.

the next thing I remembered was Edwin pushing me and I landed back in the outhouse.

I stood up and Edwin was still outside of the outhouse.

I ran out toward him and he jumped up.

"you idiot in fine go back in there" he said grabbing me and we both got into the house and closed the door.

"are you okay?!" I said hugging him.

"yes, your fine so I'm fine, lets go downstairs" he said.

we helped his mom downstairs and got back into the beanbag.

"we're all okay," his mom smiled.

yeah, I hoped.

what about my mom and Cassie? I thought once again to myself.

I may be okay but that last thing I said to my mom was "I wish I lived with my dad"

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