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I had been standing there with a blank expression for minutes when Edwin walked over and put his arm on my shoulder.

"boyfriend goals." he said. "definitely" I said and rolled my eyes. "you okay?" he asked and I shook my head.

I guess a tear fell down my cheek, because next thing I knew I was back where I belonged; Edwin's arms.

he was hugging me and for the first time in two years, I felt like I was home. I had just been hurt & now I wasn't so bad feeling. his arms, my favorite place to be.

I wrapped my arms around him. "I miss this" I caught myself mumbling. he pulled away from our hug and looked at me. "I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have said that. I have issues" I said and looked at the floor.

"I'm gonna go change..." I said and ran upstairs to my bedroom. I cracked the door and took my t-shirt off so I was in my bikini. I was looking in the mirror.

Caleb never liked it when I wore a bikini, he said it didn't looked very good. & whenever I had a crop top on, he would say stuff like "cover your belly button, you look like a slut" or "eww stop showing people your stomach"

I thought of all the things he had said and started crying. I was turning to see different angles in the mirror and broke down even more.

"Kylee?" I heard my favorite voice; Edwin. I jumped up embarrassed... "your not ugly at all. don't ever think that Kylee, your the prettiest girl I've ever seen. I don't know why you'd think your not, I mean look at you! your perfect. I don't think I've ever seen someone that perfect." Edwin said.

I started crying more. "Kylee" he said. I broke into tears and ran into his arms. "you don't really love your boyfriend" he said, I mean obviously I don't. "I use too" I admitted. "or well, like him at least." I added.

I can't say I loved him; because you can't love too people at once & I've never stopped loving Edwin.

"you should break up with him then, kylee. your not happy." I stopped crying and moved away from his hug. as much as I was glad I met him again; he shouldn't be saying this. he left me for someone else.

"don't tell me what to do! I was happy! I'll do what I want to do. you don't care about me so don't pretend you do!" I snapped and realized I sounded more rude than I meant to. I covered my mouth and felt bad.

"sorry." Edwin paused and scratched his head. "your right. I shouldn't tell you what to do.." he said and walked to the door. "I'll get Cassie." he turned around and said.

I sat on the edge of my bed and put my head in my hands, frustrated. then Cassie came in and sat next to me. "are you okay? Edwin said you were upset?" Cassie said putting her arm on my back.

"I don't like Caleb" I admitted. "I know, you love him" she laughed and I sighed. "no cas, I don't." I said and felt bad. "oh. ky, for real?" she said and I stood up.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said frustrated. I put a pair of black joggers on and took my hair out of the messy bun it was in. I walked downstairs smiling.

my mom and Edwin's parents had come inside and we're playing what looked like poker. Edwin & Brent where on the couch watching and Cassie was sitting at the kitchen table.

I was walking around in the kitchen and the door bell rang again. "I got it" Cassie and I said at the same time. "Cassie will u get me a drink" Ashely asked.

I walked to the door and looked out the peep hole. oh. is all I could think..

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