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Kurts pov

"Wake up," says a voice who I recognize as I am summoned from my sleep. My dad opens the door and checks if I'm awake. As soon as he realizes I'm "up and running", he shuts the door and goes upstairs. I roll out of bed and plunk on the floor. It was a mistake because now I have to make my bed from scratch. Fun.

A good twenty minutes later, I'm picking out my clothes, almost ready for school. I pick out skinny jeans and a tight shirt. I run upstairs and eat some eggs.

"Finn lets go!" I yell at him. I grab a jacket and get into his unlocked car. Finn rushes out of the house with a waffle in his mouth and is putting his pants on. He gets in the car and starts to speed.

"Woke up late?" I ask, looking toward Finn.

"Yeah kinda" he responds looking at me then quickly back at the road leading out of the neighborhood. I nod my head in response, even though he can't see me.

Once we reach the school parking lot, I get scared. What will everyone think? I don't want to be judged. I jump out of the car. Finn walks in front of me. We get in the school and I go to my locker only to be greeted by my best friends, Rachel and Mercedes. They both give me a hug.

"Kurt I'm so glad you are back! We have soooooo much to catch up on," Rachel says.

"Let's get to class before we're late!" Mercedes says as she literally drags Rachel and I. We go to our first class which is math. Our teacher, Mr. Brown, was a great teacher. In the one day I was in his class, I learned more than ever have.

After the school day was over it was my first day back at the glee club. I walk in and we have a group hug. We start to catch up with each other. Mr. Schuester comes in and we take our seats.

"It nice to have you back Kurt. We really needed your voice for regionals coming up!" He says and everyone starts clapping and woo-hooing. We start to discuss song choices and solos.

An hour later everyone starts to go home. I text Finn I'm on my way to the car. I walk through the empty halls thinking maybe it won't be that bad. Until I trip and land on my face.

"Ugh" I say to no one since I'm alone. I get back up and continue my path to the car. Finally, I reach the parking lot and see Finn jamming to some sweet tunes inside of his car. I walk to the passenger side and try to open the door. It was locked. I open and close the handle repeatedly. I start to get annoyed. I start knocking on the window.

"Finn, open the door!" I yell. He looks at me and turns his music off. He unlocks the door.

"Sorry little bro. I didn't see you there." He says as I open the door.

"It's fine" I respond. I close the door and Finn starts driving. It starts to drizzle

By the time we get home, the drizzle has turned into pouring rain. We both rush to the door basically shoving each other to get there first.

"Finn hurry up and get your key out!" I yell as we are getting soaked. He looks at me.

"I thought you were getting the key out!" Finn says as we both go back and forth placing the blame. Suddenly, the door opens and dad gives us strange looks.

"Get in, idiots." my dad says as we walk in laughing.


Sorry for the short chapter but I'm at soccer camp and I get only like a few hours throughout the whole day to use my phone so I can't write much but VOTE AND COMMENT. I love you guys!!

~Brooke xoxo❤️

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