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Kurts pov

"Maybe we should shake things up with a duet!" Nick suggests at the Warbler meeting. Everyone is mumbling around.

"That is nonsense!" One says.

"Remember what happened last time.. with Kurt and Blaine? We lost." Another says standing up.

I glare at him evilly until he sits down. Sebastian, who is sitting next to me, bumps my shoulder with his to get my attention. I look at him. He gives me the 'you good?' face and I nod. The mumbling continues until Blaine stands up.

"Well if I do remember correctly Kurt and I rocked the duet." He speaks while making a short glance towards me. I laugh at the sad, old memory of young Kurt and even younger Blaine singing and dancing on the stage. The young love was strong and I wished it was still there. But it slipped away. Into the dark shadows of the heart. Sorry too dramatic.

"dude, the meeting is over," Sebastian says drifting me out of my deep thought. Sebastian is now like my best friend. I'm glad he has changed. Oh, how I wish Blaine would change. Well not change but be the guy I used to know. I guess sometimes you just got to let go.

We walk side by side to the cafeteria. The smell of fresh foods is swirling threw the air and I take a big sniff of it. We sit down at the Warbler's table and eat our food. I sit next to Blaine and Sebastian I start to eat my sandwich until a comment from behind me interrupts.

"Wow, I can't believe that Kurt's kid is back." "Isn't he the one who cuts himself" "Oh my god that's the one!"

I put my sandwich down and glance at my wrist. I haven't been doing it lately. Wait how do they know in the first place. I tense up and get ready to leave.

"shh, Kurt it's okay. Don't listen to them." Blaine whispers to me putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. I immediately calm down at his touch. I give him a warm smile and he removes the hand. We go back to eating and talking about our next competition.

A few hours later I go back to my room to study for a test that I have tomorrow.

"Ugh, science. I hate science." I say to myself while grabbing my textbooks. I read over the words over and over again until my eyes begin to blur and I can't focus anymore. I deserve a break. I go to the bathroom and splash water on my face. I check the time. It's already 10:50 pm!! I give up on studying and sit on my bed. I scroll through social media for a while. The door opens and my head shoots up. Jayden comes walking in and I look back at my phone.

"Hey, Kurt." He speaks.

"Hi, Jayden" I reply.

"What are you up to?" he questions. His British voice filling up the room.

"Nothing why?" I ask looking up from my phone to the guy sitting on my bed.

"Well, there is a party and I want you and Sebastian to go to. Pretty pretty please," he begs.

I do have a test tomorrow, but when is the last time I had fun? I nod and text Seb. He responds within a few minutes agreeing.


"What's in the cup?" I ask looking down into the brownish drink.

"The best thing to rid sadness and lost hope." The guy next to me responds.

"I'll take four," I joke and take a drink.

I immediately gulp down the whole concoction without caution. I feel the same so I take a couple more drinks down. The pounding music sounding more comforting as I slip away into the ocean of teens. Suddenly, this feeling overcomes me and I feel invincible. I dance like no one is watching. The feelings of happiness and power combine.

I walk over to the couch next to a couple making out and Jayden.

"Yo yo Jayden my man," I say

"Woah Kurt. How much did you have to drink?" He asks holding a red solo cup in his hand. I glance around and whisper.

"Just a few" I start to giggle pinching my fingers together to show the just a little sign. 

"You're drunk," he says

"And you're a party pooper!" I defend. Soon enough Blaine comes over and sits by Jayden.

"Kurt, you don't look too good" he comments. My drunk ass self decides now would be the time to trash talk him. Or try too.

"I am not a mirror," I say acting tough. They both laugh and I walk away to dance again.

By now, the alcohol has gone into full swing. I am swaying to the music sipping on my beverage. The loud music doesn't phase me. I see Sebastian talking to some people, so I walk over.

"Heyyyy you," I say to Sebastian swinging my arms over my friend. He and his friends laugh.

"Yo Seb, I think your little boyfriend is a little drunk." One of the guys says.

"no, not my boyfriend," Sebastian says quickly.

"well, I am a boy and I am a friend, so technically it's not false," I say while twirling the fabric on my shirt.

"I like this little guy," says one of his friends standing next to me. He ruffles my hair which doesn't bother me.

The rest of the night I socialize to people around the party and dance like there is no tomorrow. I eventually got to the point where I was tired and wanted to sleep. I sit on the couch next to some other warblers playing truth or dare.

"Truth or Dare David," one person said.

"Truth," he responded.

"Do you like Wes?" the guy asks.

"Wait are you talking about! No," David answers slightly blushing.

"Alright alright let's move on," says another guy.

"Kurt truth or dare," says this random person I've never met before.

"Dare" I respond feeling risky.

"Um, I dare you to streak in the road," he says. I laugh and start unbuttoning my shirt.

"No no, Kurt you're too drunk for that," a blurry face says, "just go ding dong ditch the neighbors,"

"That dare sucks but okay," I say standing up and walking toward the road. I step on the cool cement outside the party house. I dash over to the doorbell, ring it, and run back to the party. I hear everyone yelling to move, as I run across the street. I start to hear a horn and bright white lights to head towards me. My late reactions, caused by my intoxication, makes me unable to move. I'm like a deer caught in headlights. Suddenly, something happens that I never would have thought would happen.

Hey guys its your girl Brooke! Sorry for the late updates but I made this one longer so props to that. Vote and comment, and also check out my other stories.

~Brooke xoxo❤️

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