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Kurts pov

A large object hit me, forcing me to the hard cement. My hands scrape against the road, along with the rest of my body. A loud pounding shortly comes after my head lands. Screams are all I can hear. My blurry vision spots some people rushing over. I try to stand up, but something forces me to stay down. An object. A body. Blaine.

"Oh my god" is the only thing I can get out of my mouth, as I scramble to a sitting position. Two guys help Blaine up as only one helps me.

"Is... Is he okay?" I manage to spit out, partly from my drunkenness, the other from the hurt in my chest.

"Kurt, I'm fine." The voice, my heart and mind would never forget, responds. Blaine is okay and I'm okay, well okay but stupid. The guys help us into the house where the party was. Everyone seems to scatter since my stunt.

"Do you guys need anything?" the host of the party asked. I shake my head no, but Blaine asks for water. Everyone exits the room, leaving me alone with Blaine. My head begins to pound almost as fast as my heart. I stare at him, his gel leaving his hair making it start to curl. His shirt a little messed up. I think it's cute though.

"I'm sorry for being in the road, I wasn't thinking," I say grabbing my head which is still throbbing along to the beat of my heart. His eyes take pity on me, and he adds a soft smile.

"That's what happens when you're intoxicated," He sighs "You don't think." I frown knowing I upset him. The host comes back with a glass of water and hands it to Blaine. Blaine thanks him. I excuse myself. I get up and make my way through the empty house to find Sebastian. He's sitting on the couch with some warblers.

"Hey Seb," I say slouching on the couch next to him. He can tell I'm upset by the look of my face.

"Do you wanna go?" He asks looking me straight in the eye. I nod unable to voice my answer. We stand up and leave the house. On the way out, I see Blaine and Jayden talking. The talk doesn't seem too friendly. I can hear the arguing even after I step outside the house. I make a mental note to ask one of them what's that about.

After a short drive back to dalton, I walk to my room. Sebastian follows me. He helps me clean the cuts and scrapes on my skin. The water stings, but I try my best not to jerk away.

"Thanks," I say quietly trying to keep my eyes from closing.

"No problem," he responds letting himself out. I shower and change to go to sleep. I drag myself to the bed and get under the cool covers. Ten minutes later, the door opens and closes. I suspect it's Jayden. He walks over to his bed.

"trouble in paradise?" I ask softly referring to his argument with Blaine. He gives me a strange look for a good ten seconds and then answers.

"Yeah, he's been acting kinda strange for a while. I just don't understand what's going on," he responds.

"What do you mean?" I ask trying to help.

"I think he likes someone else," he answers.

"What? Who!" I exclaim almost jumping out of bed. He likes another person. Why? I'm literally perfect for him. Millions of thoughts rush through my head. I don't know whether to be mad or sad. Jayden pauses and looks down.

"Kurt, it's you," he says

My heart and every other part of my body stops. Freezes. What did he say? Me? What? That's impossible.

"Wha.. what?" I ask again to make sure I'm not going insane. 

"Kurt, he risked his life for you. If that's not true love, then I don't know what is." He responds.

"Are you okay that?" I ask

"Who am I to stand in the way of true love," he says sadly. I get up and hug him.

"thank you," I say.

That night I got the best sleep in the world. Everything seemed good in the world. My brain kept replaying my best memories with Blaine. I have to talk to him tomorrow. I have to say something, right?

I got out of bed and rushed to get ready. It was a big day today. Not only was I going to talk to Blaine, but I also have a major test. The stress starts creeping up my back. I shake it off. I meet Seb outside his room. We walk to get breakfast and then to class.

The day goes by fast. My test was a success, which is strange since I barely studied. One thing down, now onto the next. I look around Dalton for a certain someone. I spot him talking to some warblers. I walk over.

"Hey Blaine, can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask. The other guys just look at me strangely, but Blaine makes them leave.

"So you're talking to me no..." he says smiling before I cut him off.

"Why did you risk your life for me?" I ask.

"I think you know why," He answers avoiding eye contact now.

"Just tell me, I need to hear it," I say desperately. My hopes rising. He looks away.

"Kurt, I can't keep doing this. I love you, yes, but we won't work out." He answers breaking my heart as well. He turns to walk away.

"But we can try again," I suggest. Out of instinct, I grab his hand to prevent him from leaving. I quickly let go when he turns back around.

"I don't know about that." He mumbles with a half-hearted smile and walks away.

And I let him go.

hey guys. Sorry for the late update. Vote and comment. Ilysm.

~Brooke xoxo❤️

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