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Kurt's pov

I step out of the car and grab my bags. I shakily walk towards the school I love. Dalton. My dad is behind me carrying my other things. It feels like déjà vu.

"Is that Kurt," I hear a voice say behind me as I walk towards the main office.

"Oh my god, Kurt!" I hear another say. I stop in my tracks and turn around. Two boys in blazers are coming towards me.

"Nick, Jeff!" I say as we hug each other. It's been about a year since I have been in Dalton. I look around to see people rushing off to class.

"What are you doing here?" Jeff asks as I look down at the bag in my hand.

"I'm back," I say shrugging. Jeff's eyes got wide and nick smiles.

"Glad to have you back!" Nick says and pats me on the back. "Jeff, I'll meet you in class. I'm going to help Kurt." Nick hugs Jeff and walks with my dad and me to the office.

"Mr. Hummel, Kurt, great to see you again," the headmaster says to us as we take a seat in front of his desk. Nick stands in the corner. My dad and he are talking but I ignore it.

"Kurt, any questions?" The headmaster asks me. I look up from my gaze at the desk. I wasn't listening but I nod my head no anyways.

"Okay well Nick will show you your new room and new classes, have a good day Kurt," the headmaster says nicely and I stand up. Nick takes things from my dad. We walk towards my new room.

"So Kurt you roomed with this new kid. I heard he's um nice or something. You'll have a few days to set up and get used to Dalton again. I'll be in the same room as last year if you have any questions." Nick said as we walked to my room. I take the key and open the door slowly.

The room is pretty bland. Some photos of a dog and family/friends on his desk. Not many good quality pictures of him. No posters, no bright colors, and no life in this room. I start to unpack my bags and a few boxes.

After finishing up the room, I take a walk around the school. It's 1:30 so everyone is in class right now. I look at my new classes and check out where they are.

I continue to walk around the outside of the school. I cold spring breeze whips across my face. I begin to get cold and go back to my room. I look down at my watch and see it's 3:00. I turn the doorknob but it doesn't open. Damn, I forgot the key. I sit outside the door with my head on my knees.

About ten minutes later, a tall guy approaches me. "What are you doing?" He says with a British accent. I look up at him. He has two dimples and a sharp jawline. His short brown hair curls slightly at the ends. He kind of reminds me of Finnick Odair

"Oh, I locked myself out of my room. Great first day," I said still sitting on the ground. He holds out his hand to help me up. I grab it.

"Jayden," he says shaking my hand.

"I'm Kurt." I say with a small voice. He opens the door and walks in. I drool while following him. Not gonna lie, he's pretty hot. I lay down on my bed as he tries to start a conversation.

"So, why are you here Kurt?" He asks with his soothing British voice. I look towards him.

"I got bullied and beat up almost every day," I say with no emotion staring into his deep blue eyes.

"Oh that is awful, sorry," he says sounding sincere. "Yeah," I mumble while rolling over on the bed.

"So.. have you heard any drama or anything happening?" I ask him. He has to think but then answers.

"Well nick and Jeff are together and happy. Um, Sebastian is apparently less creepy. Two guys got kicked out of Dalton. That's all I really know since I'm the new kid." He says and I just nod my head.

"Cool thanks I'll be back later," I say. I grab my jacket and key and walk down to the cafeteria for something to drink.

I see Sebastian getting a glass of water. He's across the room so I walk over to him.

"Hey, Sebastian!" I say and he turns around. He smiles.

"Kurt, how have you been?" He says smiling. I smile back.

"I mean other than my black eye I've been doing well," I say while pointing to my black eye. He slightly frowns.

"That's unfortunate." He responds. I shrug.

"I'm back here, so I guess it's kind of a good thing," I say trying to be optimistic.

"So I heard you aren't creepy anymore?" I say half statement half question with a little laugh at the end.

"Yeah, I went to a therapist about my problems with drinking when I'm upset. I guess you could say I'm a changed man," He says still smiling.

"Well Kurt if you ever need something, I'm always here." He says. I give him a quick hug and grab a bottle of water. I start to walk away until my curiosity gets the best of me.

"Hey, Seb?" I say turning around facing him again.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"You haven't happened to see Blaine anywhere. Have you?" I ask biting my lip and playing with the water bottle.

"Yeah, he was in my last class. He's somewhere around here. Probably with David or Wes." He says confused.

"Oh okay, thanks," I say while walking back to my room.

Just a little update for your day:) vote comment please check out my other stories! This chapter may be confusing I'm tired and that's when I get my good ideas sooooo

~Brooke xoxo❤️

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