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Kurt's pov

First day of Dalton again. I'm awakened by Jayden yelling in my ear.

"Wake up!" He yells. I flinch and roll over. I keep falling asleep. It's too earlier.

"We are gonna be late for breakfast," he says as I groan. I get up from bed and shower. I finish my morning routine.

"Ready?" I ask. Jayden appears from the bathroom brushing his teeth and he nods his head. I grab a jacket and we leave the room.

We arrive at the cafeteria. I was so nervous I couldn't imagine eating anything. I make an effort and grab an apple. I look around for Jayden. He is sitting by the warblers. He fits in with his blazer. I didn't even notice he was wearing it.

I walk slowly around the tables to join them. But then I see Blaine. I tried to sit by them but I couldn't bring myself to it. I take my food and walk straight out the doors and try to find my way to my first class which was going to start in thirty minutes.

It's hard to believe I was a student here, I can't even find my way around anymore. I glance at the class numbers, as I walk down the sort of crowded halls.

I find my first classroom, French. I sit down in a seat in the back, hoping not to get noticed. The bell rings and I start to work.

The class is very easy since I have to retake the French one as a sophomore. I took the class last year but never finished it so here I am again.

Class ends and I trudge on to my next class. I see Jayden and I sit next to him.

"Thank Gaga, you are in this class. I thought I'd be alone for another class." I say while writing down the notes on the board.

"I know how it feels since I was in your spot a few months ago." He responds. I look over at him and his blazer stands out.

"So you can sing?" I ask pointing to the blazer. He shrugs.

"It's fun and I need colleges to look at me so why not?" He says as we continue with the notes.

"Can you sing?" He asks me and I quickly shake my head no.

"No, not at all," I say fast. He doesn't say anything after that.

The school day feels like weeks but my finals class is over. I take a look around the building and then I see the Warblers door. It's closed but I hear talking. I get as close as I can and listen. It's a meeting.

"Regionals are coming up and we have our first two songs but not our third. We need that. Any other thoughts?" Wes asks the group.

"Can Kurt sing?" Someone asks. It sounds like Jayden but I'm not sure. "I heard him in the shower singing this morning, but it was all muffled. I couldn't tell if it was good or not and then when I asked him, he said no." The person that I now know is Jayden says to the group of boys sounding a bit confused and frustrated.

I hear laughter after that. I feel hurt so I walked away. They only kept me there in pity. I go back to my door and lock the door. Warbler practiced was a few hours so I had time by myself. I play some music. I lay on my bed and just listen to the sad music playing in my room.

I ended up falling asleep and I'm awoken by Jayden and some other people coming through our door. I pretend to be asleep still.

"oh, Shh Kurt's asleep." I hear Jayden say. "I'll just grab my stuff then we can go to the commons."

Someone turns off the soft music I was playing. "Okay," Blaine says and I go stiff. He's also in the room.

"Okay let's go," Jayden says as the footsteps lead out of the room and a door is shut.

I get up and fix my hair. I go to get a water bottle. I have to pass the commons to get to the cafeteria. I walk really fast before I hear my name.

"Aye Kurt." A British voice says. I stop in my place and turn around. Jayden waves me over. I walk over to him Blaine Wes and David.

"They told me you CAN sing." He says with a smirk pointing to the other three guys sitting by him.

"Well, I can't," I say about to turn around and leave until I hear Blaine speaks.

"Yes, you can." He says

"Well, I won't," I say firmly glaring at Blaine reminding me of the last time Blaine and I argued about my singing abilities. I turn away and get my water. I felt bad for snapping at Blaine. I'm just really mad at him and I don't really know why.


Update!! Vote comment! Love y'all.
Please check out my other stories!

~Brooke xoxo❤️

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