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Kurt pov

"Blaine, what's going on?" I say looking around the oddly dark room. Whispers are rolling around the room. I try moving my hand, but it connected to a chair.

"Blaine! Where are you? Someone help me." I scream at the top of my lungs. Even though no one will hear me. I keep yelling for help until I can no longer scream. Flames erupt from my throat as I try to scream again. I need to get out of here.

"Don't worry Kurt, you are safe here." An icy voice speaks from behind me. Their breath on the back of my neck causes me to get goosebumps. More whispers can be heard from around the room.

Suddenly, a singular light appears. My eyes haven't adjusted quite yet, so it takes me a while to see who the man in the other chair was. The man had curly gelled hair, I can recognize him as my one true love, Blaine Anderson.

My eyes go wide in fear, as I see the duck tape around his mouth. His hands and feet tied to the other chair. I can sense his fear from across the room.

"Oh, I see you know my little friend here," The icy voice returns. I can't see who they are since they are in the shadows, where the light does not reach. The mystery man puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Say goodbye Kurt." The voice says gripping my shoulder tighter. With his other hand, he has a knife. He tosses it to another man closer to Blaine. I scream for him to stop. The man gets closer to Blaine.

I make eye contact with Blaine. I can see what he's trying to tell me. It saddens me, he's saying I love you. The man lifts Blaine's head slightly backward. It feels like slow motion. The man grins the knife and slides it over Blaine's neck. I start to scream while tears rush down my cheeks.


"Kurt! Kurt! Wake up!" Finn says as he shakes my shoulders to wake me up. I'm drenched in sweat and tears are rushing from my eyes. Just another nightmare. I've had about four this week and they just keep getting worse and worse every time.

"Sorry, Finn. I don't know what's happening to me!" I exclaim in frustration. He gives me a weak smile and pats my shoulder. Then he turns around and exits my room.

I sigh and plop on my unmade bed. I have been avoiding Blaine for a week now. I can't face him anymore. Good thing, we don't go to the same school. That reminds me I have school in an hour.

I rush to the bathroom and take a quick shower. I listen to my playlist without singing along. After the shower, I pick out a subtle outfit that hopefully won't catch Karofsky's attention. He's been around me more often giving me unwanted glares and random punches.

I rush to the kitchen to grab an apple and get in Finn's car. I check my social media while I wait for Finn. After a few minutes, he gets in the driver seat and we drive to school.

"So which school do you like better?" Finn asks staring at the road still. I answer in a short amount of time.


"Do you not like McKinley?" He asks sounding a little offended. I shake my head but then remember he isn't looking at me.

"No, it's not that. I like being free and not being harassed." I say with my iconic sassiness filling the car forgetting he doesn't know about Karofsky starting to assault me again.

"I mean the Blazers are pretty cool," I say trying to cover up my first response. It was too late. Finn slams on the brakes. The car behind us lays on the horn and swerves around us.

"What!" Finn says tensing up. He looks over at me angry.

"Why did you tell me this was happening." He says trying to relax.

"What are you talking about, nothing is happening," I say as I take another bite out of my apple. Finn shakes his head and continues to drive to school.


Tick Tock Tick Tock

I stare at the clock as it goes round and round. I count down in my head until the bell rings. Everyone gathers their stuff and leaves the room. I can hear my teacher yelling "the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!" No one listens and keeps walking including me. I see Rachel and Santana. I approach them.

"Hey, gay boy," Santana says jokingly. I smile and we all talk. We walk to the glee club together. I notice everyone is here except one person. Finn is missing. He's probably at football or some sports thing. Right?

Mr.Shue begins to talk about the upcoming performance we have. I tune in to the inspiration speech he's giving.

A couple of hours later, we leave the glee club. I go to the football field and don't see anyone. I check the parking lot and Finn's cars not there. I call him and he says he's on his way. I go back to school.

I lean against the locker and rest my eyes. Out of nowhere, a huge pain grows from inside my stomach. I fall over and look up at the person who just punched me. Of course, it's Karofsky. More punches are thrown at me. At this moment, I don't see the point in trying.

They leave ten minutes later and I limp to the parking lot. Finns in front of the school. I see him and he rushes to me.

"Kurt, get in the car." He says. I can see him texting puck and he repeats himself.

"Get in the car."

I go into the car and wait for him.


The car ride is silent. I'm in the back seat and Finn and puck are in the front. He parks the car and we all get out. 

My dad approaches me as we arrive at the house. He has a saddened look on his face when he looks at my black eye.

"Kurt, we all think it's best for you to go back to Dalton."

"How? We can't afford it!" I exclaim.

"Don't worry, Carole and I are putting in some extra hours. This is worth it." 


Guys, we hit 1k!!! I can't believe it. I couldn't have done this without you guys I love you so much. Sorry for the late updates. I have school and sports and clubs and a job and it's been tough but I'm beginning to want to write more and more. Be prepared for the next chapters. Vote Comment and read my other stories, to make me update fast!!

~Brooke xoxo❤️

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