Chapter 34

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The briefing was relatively short. I was going to accompany General Solo to the forest moon of Endor to take out the shield generator protecting the second Death Star. As excited as I was to return to the battlefield, I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. Getting past the Super Star Destroyer seemed too easy. Vader was on that ship, and he let us slip right by.

After landing on the planet, I decided to speak with Rex about it. "Rex!" I shouted as he exited the ship with the others.

He turned. "Yeah?"

I ran down to meet him. The rest of the group continued walking. "Something just doesn't feel right, Rex. I sense the dark side."

"Are you sure? Are we in danger here?"

I closed my eyes and tried to see through the force, but with no luck. "I can't tell. My senses... clouded..."

He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, are you alright? Did something bad happen on Moraband?"

I sighed, tears welling up in my eyes. "Yes. I...I don't want to talk about it. We need to get on with the mission. Just be ready."

"Okay, if you say so. Remember, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here."

"Thanks, Rex." It was nice to see someone genuinely cared.

The mission started out as planned, but as more complications arose, it changed. General Solo was not as calm and collected as I originally thought.

We were almost to the outpost when he saw two Sout troopers hovering by their speeders. Han decided it would be a good idea to go say hello. I couldn't help but shake my head. He was certainly no Jedi General, that was for sure.

I turned to Rex. "Is this guy for real? Where did he even come from?" I whispered in his ear.

"You know what, I'm honestly not sure. He's a friend of Commander Skywalker and Princess Leia."

I nodded, contemplating my next move. "I think I'm going to go explore. There has to be more than this one outpost, and I don't want that to complicate things."

"May the force be with you." Rex stood up, crouching low, and followed the rest of the group, leaving me alone.

As I walked deeper into the forest, the presence of the dark side grew stronger. Vader was out there, and so was Luke. There was a building off in the distance. It felt gray and cold, just like it's appearance. Thers was no point in getting myself involved; Luke was the only one capable of redeeming Vader.

The Great Mother's words resonated through my head. "I'm not asking for much, just a token. You have something I very badly desire: the force. I can give you back your master, your boyfriend, your belonging, your purpose–everything. All I ask is for you to lend me your power."

The force was a part of my identity. It had been with me through all of life's trials and never failed me. The Great Mother claimed she could rebuild me. How is that possible if she's taking away a fundamental part of me?

"No," I whispered out loud to no one in particular. "No, I won't give up my power."

Green light swirled around me, temporarily obstructing my vision. I blinked a few times, and Mother Talzin stood before me.

"You," I hissed.

She smirked. Lux appeared by her side, glowing blue and trapped in a prison of green smoke. "It is I, the Great Mother."

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