The moment

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* Secret P.O.V. *

I wake and laid here for awhile but then I felt a movement so I looked to my side and see a women. I felt sick. I got and went to shower. When I got out and walked back to my room, I see her dressed, she walks up to me.

"I had fun last night." She tracing over my chest. "If you want you can visit me at my work......say lunch?" She says pulls me in and kisses me. "Or how about I skip work and start a new job?" she ruin her finger down my chest and on to my towel. "What do you say?" she looks at me. I smile, I touch her cheek then slid my hand down to her chin barely pulling her in, she smiles and leans in but i stopped her before her lips touches my mine," Stop teasing me." She says.

Still smiling I move her head to the side to where my month almost touched her ear and I wishpered "I'm bored with you." I move away from her then pushed her aside.

"What?" she asked with smile turning into and frown.

I walked over to my shelf and pour me some Gin. " I said I'm bored with you." I took and sip and turn bock to her. "I only needed you to satistfy me and you did. So I have no use of you." I took another sip "Don't get me wrong sweetheart, you were good but not good enough to be with me again." I walk over to my phone and dailed Thomas.

"Yes sir," He answered.

"Get a car ready for um....what's your name again?" I asked her

"Shan, Kaily Shan." she said folding her arms.

"Yeah. Her." I said.

"Yes sir, the car will be there in three minutens" he said

"Good" I hang up and look at her and took another sip of my drink "Oh do you want a drink?" I asked pointing to my glass.

"NO!" she shouted " No one just uses me for their needs! Do you know how I am?" she ponits to herself.

"A spoiled rich girl, who get what she wants but if impossable she has her daddy get for her." I say

She looks at me in shock then looks away and then back at me "No!" she finally said.

"No?" I asked. "Then a goldigger? hoping if I sleep with you, You'll claim yourself as my girlfriend, right?" I said

She walks up to me, grabs and splashes my drink onto me. "How dare you!" she say throwing the glass on the floor "Just wait till my father hears about this!" she walks over to the door. Then stops when her hands touch the knob and looked back me "He'll destory you!" she yelled.

After wiping my face, I couldn't help but start to laugh, she looks at me in confussion "Sorry, I find it funny that your father can destory me." I still laughing, but I stop and looked at her "Go ahead, tell daddy what you did. Tell him that you slept with Mr. Williams son....only son and heir to the second largest company in the world, and that's a student.....a high school student I should add." I walked closer to her and put my hand on the door " how could daddy help you?" I asked her but she stood still and said nothing "He can't, you see. you'll behind bars and daddy would be ruin. So tell him and I can watch your father and his company fall." I walked away from her. just then Thomas onped the door. "Ah, Thomas, take Kelly out " I walked over to shelf again and poured myself a drink again

"It's kaily, asshole." She shoved Thomas out of her way and made her way to the door and slamed it.

"Sir, must you always play with a womens heart?" He asked

I looked at him and smile "I hate women" I lifted up my phone "I only did it for my father" i said texting father.

Me: I did what you asked me.

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