Pass or Fail

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* Edd P.O.V. *

For the past three days, Kevin came over to my house after his practice and studies with me. We study every thing that I think would be on the test in Physical Science class today.

After getting ready and eating, I drove to school. When I got there, I walked over to my locker and there I found Eddy and Ed standing there.

"Double D!" Ed yelled giving me a hug that lift me off the floor, though feeling really uncomfortable, I still accepted his hugs, It was soothing.

"Sockhead," Eddy said.

Ed put me down and looked over to Eddy, he didn't look very well. "Are you feeling well Eddy?" I asked him.

"Yeah, Why?" He asked.

"I'm just asking you look very ill." I told him.

"Nah, it's just morning and I'm not a morning person." He smiled "So where you've been all this week?" He asked me.

"Oh, I've been helping Kevin with his studies." I told him.

"SHOVEL CHIN!? REALLY!?" he surprisingly asking.

I nod, Eddy started laughing, we made our way to my class first, I looked around and didn't see Kevin anywhere. Maybe his in class, I thought. When we got to class I didn't see him there either. I saw Nazz though, Ed and Eddy walk to there own class. I walked over to Nazz and tap her shoulder, she turned away from the group she was talking to.

"Oh hey Double D!" She said smiling a bright smile.

"I'm very sorry for intruding Nazz, but may I ask you a question?" I asked her.

"Oh it's okay Double D, but sure what's up?" she folded her arm lending on the table.

"Um, h-have you heard or seen Kevin around?" I asked her.

She took out her phone and looked and it. "No I haven't heard from him yet, and I haven't seen him since yesterday lunch. I'm sorry D." her smile turned into a frown but quickly turn back into a smile "but I'll let you know when he does." she said.

"thank you, Nazz." I said.

She nod "No problem, D." she said, and turn back to the group of friends she was talking to eaelier

I walked over to my table and took out my drawing book, pencil and phone. I text Kevin

Me: Where are you?

I put my phone back in my pocket and looked out the window. Please hurry, Kevin. I thought.

* Kevin P.O.V. *

"Kevin," she said knocking on my door "Kevin, your going to be late for school, please get up." she said "Kevin" she still knocking.

I blink my eyes open and turn my head toward the clock 7:15 I thought. I turn back and closed my eyes, I jolted up "7:15!" I shouted. I jumped out of bed but immediately fell.

"Kevin are you okay?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I shouted. I got up again and grabbed a shirt and pants off the floor, put them on, grabbed hat and bag. I opened the door to find my mom standing there, she held up my keys. "Thanks mom!" I grabbed the keys and kiss her cheek, then rushed to the door.

"Kevin." she said stopping me in my tracks.

"Mom, I'm already late, I need to go." I told her.

She pointed to her shirt "Your shirt is inside out." she said giggling

I looked down to my shirt to see that she was right, I drop my bag and took it off and fix it but to find it dirty on the other side "Danm it," I said

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