Don't Hold Back Prt. 1

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* Shawn P.O.V. *

I looked at her with anger and hate in my eyes, a smile left her face "Shawn dear," she said "don't look at me like that, you're hurting me" she sat down on the chair.

"How can I not? You disgust me in every way." I told her "besides I wasn't prepared for the Devils wife arrival, I thought you weren't comung till next week." I said

"Yes, but I needed to get away from work for while so I left" she said and touched her head "there's one thing I'd like discuss with you also."

I just looked at her and sighed"Thomas prepared a room for you in the bottom floor." I shot a glared at her. "Don't go any where near my room and stay away from me" I said.

Again she giggled "oh how scary, what my son doesn't want to spend time with mommy like before?" she asked.

I looked her dead straight in the eyes. "No, in fact being in the same room as you makes me want to shoot myself." i said and she frown again. "Thomas."

Thomas came into living room. "Sir,"

"Take dragon lady's bags to her room." I said, he nod. I walked pass him to the stairways and she walked right after Thomas.

"And where are you going?" she asked.

I looked at her, she had her arm folded  "That doesn't concern you." I said and continued up the stairway. I made to my room and closed the door "such a pain" I said touching my head, I walked over to my bed and grabbed the files on Plank and began to read once again.

* Plank P.O.V. *

I ran down the stairs but stopped after stepping in a puddle. I looked at my feet to see but was shocked to see my two mothers, the twins, and Angel lying on the floor covered in blood, I dropped to knees and pick up Angel and cried. All of a sudden I heard whistling and footsteps coming closer, I looked up and anger fill me "You!" I said. He smiled, half of his face had spots of my family's blood on him. I gently put Angel down and stood up and looked at him in eyes "I'll kill you!" I yelled but I was yanked down to my knees and my arms being held by two dark shadows. He came closer twirling his gun around his finger then stoped at least two feet infornt of me and kneel down. I was face to face with him, hate filled my eyes but also a bit of fear

He smiled then hit me with his gun, I dropped my head then was lift up by him, the gun was pressed against my bottom chin "Who's going to save you now?" he asking then pulled the trigger.

I opened my eyes, I laid still for moments then sat up, I sighed with my hand against my face then ran threw my hair pulling out of my face, I stared at the sealing then back at to the floor.

"Plank," I looked up to see Angel standing infront of me, a flashback to the dream, I frowned and looked back to floor. "Plank, are you okay?" she asked and came closer to me

I looked back at her then smiled ".....yeah....just felt sick" I said and ruffled her hair.

She giggled "do you need hospital?" she said holding my hand that's on her head.

"....No" I got up and stretch "......just food." I said and picked her up.

"Yay! I want PANCAKES!" she yells cheerfully.

".....Ok." and we left my room.

~ After Dinner ~

Shelly came into the kitchen right after we finished eating "Hey kids" she said.

"It's mommy!"Angel yelled and stood up in her chair, she had little peaces on her face and cruby sauce too. Jet and Jack were playing with their pancakes, then Angel lifted up a pancake "Pancake mommy?" she asked.

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