One's Dinner

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* Edd P.O.V. *

I parked in the driveway and got out.

"Keep tonight open." Shawn said

I close my door and went to the door, there was a note on the door. I picked and read it "Sorry, won't be able to come tonight. Maybe another time. -Shawn" It said. I crumpled the paper and opened the door. I didn't know if I should have been relieved or disappointed but I didn't know. I sighed and placed my bag onto the couch and I went into the kitchen. "I need to do my homework, I also need to get ready for tonight too." I blushed "I'm gonna eat with Kevin..." I lost strength in my leg and ended up crouched down I covered my face "And his mom....." I said. I fan my face cause I knew it was red. "This is too much."

After panicking for while I stood up and went to my room. I picked out some clothes that looked nice but also looked a little casual. Am I trying to hard? I thought. I took even more clothes. I ended up trying on different types of clothing. I stood in the in front of the mirror and took a good look at myself I flushed up It's too much! I thought. I quickly took it off and put on my red shirt and my dark blue jeans and place my beanie back onto my head. I took a look at myself. I don't know how to dress myself. I threw myself onto my bed. "Argh... I hate this so much." I said into my pillow.I laid there for while then I finally decided to get up. "homework." I remind myself "There's no time to be moping around." I told myself. I went back to the living room and grab my bag and sat at the coffee table and started on my homework. After while of study and reading the next chapter I got up and made myself a cup of tea also grabbed some snacks before sitting back down. I looked over to my writing paper and corrected any mistakes I have made. I took a sip of my tea and glance over to the time. I sighed to see if was barely five o'clock. I stop everything I was doing then lend back on the couch. "Why did I say okay?" I said to myself "Why am I doing this to myself again?" I stared at my laptop. "Is everything going to be okay?" I asked myself. then a sharp pain came across to me on my shoulder "Ah!!" I gasp on how much it hurts. I fell onto the carpet as I gripped my shoulder harder After.....Even after so long. I thought as the pain began to die down. My eyes began blur. I shoved my face into carpet "Why!!!" I shouted then everything went dark.

"Eddward, I know you may have a lot on your hand but do you think you can spare some time so help tutor a fellow student." the teacher asked.

"Ah, I don't mind" I told him and placed the book away "But isn't there other students here that are more qualified than I am, Sir." I asked

"Yes, there are but I thought I give you this opportunity, since you once told you me that your career goal was to become a teacher." He said putting the graded papers aside and picking up some new ones "Please Eddward, your the only student I can count on for this."

I smiled "Yes sir, I'll be glad to help in any way." I said

"Thank you, Eddward." He said

"So who am I helping?" I asked him

"It's a student named Shawn Williams." he said

I dropped a book "Ah excuse me, sorry." I said picking it up.

"Are you alright?" He asked

"ah yes, I just tumble a bit. So it's Shawn Williams did you say."

".....Yes, he's in need of tutor for one of his classes, and I thought you would be able to help him, Yes I know the rumors around him and his status is a bit of a problem but he does need help in order to pass this class." I gave the last book "thank you, and thank goodness you agreed, I wouldn't know what would happen if I asked the student body president." He said and stood up "Well Eddward please give your best and try as hard you can." he said "also I'll tell him that you two will be meeting after class."

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