Game day

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* Secret P.O.V. *

"Sir, please wake up." Thomas said opening up my curtains. "Sir."

"Thomas, I will kill you if you open another curtain. I'll go to school on monday." I told him trying to go back to sleep. 

"Yes sir" he said closing the cutains and leaving my room.

I went back to sleep as soon as he left.

* Edd P.O.V. *

I woke up and laid in bed. My head was hurting from crying myself to sleep. I finally got up and went to the kitchen. I made myself some coffee and got into the shower. After dress and ready I poured my coffee and head to school.

~ At school ~

I saw Ed talking with little girl. She was yelling at Ed and he just stood and smiled. When she was done, Edd saw me and walked over "double D!" he said.

I smiled "hello Ed" I said, noticing he didn't hug me instead he lend on the lockers looking away the girl walked. "Ed" he looked back at me. "Are you feeling well"

Ed smiled and nod his head. "Yeah, I was just talking to my little sister about family things" he got off the lockers. "Should we go? Don't you need to get to class before the bell?" He asked, I nod. Ed walked me to my classroom "see ya" he said and continued walking. I guess Eddy was still sick.

Sitting down at my own table my phone ding. Kevin had message me.

Kevin: Won't be in class. Can I copy notes from you?

Me: Yes, you can.

Kevin: Thanks.

I put my phone away right when the bell rang. So class has started.

* Kevin P.O.V. *

When I arrived at school as always late, the school counselor came up to me when I entered.

"Kevin, may I have a word with you? on" she asked. I nod and followed her to her office. On my way I text Edd, and asked if I can use his notes.

Edd: Yes, you can.

Me: Thanks.

"Kevin" she said

I looked up from my phone and look at the counselor "yes?" I sat down in the chair

She closed the door "I have your test score here." she held up the test "and I'm please to say that you passed with 87%" she said smiling

I was shocked to hear that "really?" i asked her and she nod. "May I see the test?" she handed me my test paper and I did passed. I sighes with relief. "Thank you." I said giving her back the paper.

She nod, "That's all I wanted to say." she said. I was about to walk but she stop me "Kevin one more thing," I looked back her "you can play in tonight's football game"

I smiled. "Thank you." I walked out of the room and started walking to my first hour class. I forgot to get a note from the counselor so I went back. When I did, I passed a man in suit, he was carrying school work. He nod in a hello way and I nod. After getting the note and heading back to class, very happy. I couldn't wait to tell Edd the good news, I received today.

* Edd P.O.V. *

~ At Lunch ~

Kevin wanted to hang out at lunch but I couldn't find the Cafeteria. I never really eaten during lunch time I always sat in the Library. I gave up on looking for it, so I pulled out my phone and started to text Kevin.

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