Welcome Back part 1

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* Plank P.O.V. *

I waited for almost about an hour till Edd came home. He got out of his car and looked at me. "Hey." I said.

He looked to the ground then finally looked at me. "Hey."

"Edd, I'm so sorry, that i got mad early I didn't . . . . . no I wasn't thinking, I shouldn't have said that." I came closer to him and held his hand. "Please, forgive me Edd."

He removed his hand from mine and walked passed me. "I think you should go Plank, I just......want to be alone right now." He said then open his door and was about to close it.

But I grab the door and pushed it open to face Edd again. "No!" I shouted. "I came here to apologize for what I did! I didn't mean any of it!" I yelled. Edd step back from me.

"Plank...please..." He begged.

"No!!!" I slam my fist against the wall creating a dent. "I'm trying to fix what I did!" I hug him and held him tight "Please......please forgive." I asked.

I felt nothing from him then finally I felt him hugging me as well "I already did Plank." I felt relief hit then he gently pushed me away "But I do need time to think, what you said to Angel......I just need time..." I grab his hand that was my chest.

"You think you need time?" I squeezed his hand. "What about me? What the damage on me, the pain and suffer your going to put me through." I asked. He didn't look at me or even answer me. "Are you even thinking about me Edd?" I left his head and saw tears running from his eyes. "Do you want to see me hurt? See me be torn apart?" I wiped some of tears but he kept crying, then looked away from me. I didn't say anything. "Then can I ask you this." I paused and looked at him, squeezing his hand a bit more. he looked to me once again. "Did you kiss Kevin?" he didn't need to answer I could see it in his eyes. I slowly released his hand from mine, I chuckled a bit

"I....We...Plank," He tried to talked but his sobs were covering his voice.

I took steps back from him "You're right....We do need time." I said, then walked outside and made my way to the sidewalk.

Just then I saw Kevin in my view. "Hey dude, what's going on? I saw the door was open and you two....Why is Edd crying?" He asked.

Instead of answer I punched him and he fell to the ground. "You just have to every thing don't you Kevin." I said then walked off.

* Kevin P.O.V. *

I woke up from the nap that I took, I walked into the living room and saw a note on the T.V.

Hey sweetie, Work called. Dinner is in the microwave. Heat, 2mins. cash is in the usual place, Idk when I'll be back sounded like this one was pretty bad. Anyways love you always and be safe. -mom

I place the on the kitchen table and looked into the microwave and saw dinner. After eating I took a shower and laid back on my bed and checked my phone for notifications or missed calls, so far I saw one notifications, where Nat tagged me in a picture of us at the movies today. I read his bio. "Here with my secret bitches, to see 'Arrival'. They can't keep there hand off me." it said. I immediately comment on the photo. "I'm not your bitch! Stop saying something so stupid you dumbass.!" not two seconds pass till Nat respond "See! He loves me the most!" I just stopped right there, there was no point of arguing with a werido like him.

I got up from my bed and looked over to me window I slowly walked over there to see if Edd was home. I glance out and Edd standing there with Plank. I sigh and started to walk away from the window till I saw Plank hit the wall. I opened my window but couldn't hear anything they were saying. I quietly watched then after while Plank stepped out and I crawled out the window and walked over to him. I asked what was wrong then he hit me making fall to the ground,

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