Chapter Seven || Ann isn't pleased with Miss White

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Chapter Seven || Ann isn't pleased with Miss White


"Hurry up Bridgit!" Ann calls from her locker, a few doors from mine.

"Coming!" I call and slam my locker door shut.

"Wait." Ann stops me and arranges my books with the smallest at the front and the biggest at the back. "There." She says and we resume to walking.

I notice James walk past, his lanky hair hanging in front of his face. He walks with terrible posture, holding his books to his chest. I sneak a slight smile and he looks at me, his expression unchanged, eyebrows raised and simply turns his head and keeps walking on.

I scowl just as Ann turns up beside me "Who was that?"

I hesitate for one long, tedious moment "No one." I say "No one."

"No, that was James Kristenson." I can't believe she knows his name "Don't talk to him, don't associate yourself with him." She filters through her newly gathered information on James. "Don't go near him, he's a maniac."

Ann's last statement hurts, like a stab in the stomach from a rusty copper dagger. Why do I even care? I ask myself and immediately shake off the feeling and walk down the corridor. I suddenly sense the same feeling I first felt when I first got here, The feeling that someone was watching me. I look back and notice the swift movement of his rosewood coloured hair flowing swiftly behind the wall. I smile.


We get into class and Ann stops at the doorway and counts the single seating tables from left to right, stopping at the fourth and walking to sit in it. Liam Scott gets there first.

"Excuse me." Ann says, frustratingly attempting to put her neatly stacked books onto her desk.

"Excuse me!" Liam exclaims, smirking in pure malice. The whole thing reminds me sort of a Hermione Granger v Draco Malfoy punch off.

"Your sitting in my seat." Ann says, teeth clenched together.

"I don't see your name on it." Liam teases.

I see that Ann is frustrated and tinging red in the face. But seriously, over a seat? I go in to help her any ways:

"Mate, get out of the seat." I say, my accent the slightest bit Australian.

"What are you gonna do about it Newman?"

"Seen your brothers nose lately?" I respond mimicking his smirk.

Liam goes to touch his own, straight nose and then goes to look at his brothers still bruised broken one "Fine." Liam scoops up his books and throws them onto a table next to Lucas Castellan.

"Thanks." Ann sighs and her face returns back to its former pale self.

"It's all fine." I smile and sit at the table next to hers, grabbing a blue, black and red pen, dropping them onto my table.

Ann grits her teeth and gets up out of her seat and fixes my pens so that they are all sitting pointed away from myself, placed next to each other in a straight line. The pens sit in the order red, blue, black. I look to her table and I see her pens lined up exactly the same as mine except the red one sits a few millimetres lower than both the black and blue one. She pushes up the pen so that they are in line and breathes a sigh of what seems to be relief.

"Good Morning class!" Our English teacher, Miss White exclaims enthusiastically as she walks into the room. Miss White drops her books on the table and her pens roll across the table, stopping only when she stops them with her hands. Ann grits her teeth in frustration.

"Silly me." Miss White puts the numerous pens on her table in one group bunched. Ann's eyes narrow, her jaw still set firmly square.

"Anyways, I've got some notes for you to write down." Miss White says nervously to the class. With fumbling hands, she grabs a black marker and writes the heading, date and the first sub-heading. It's weird because from the times I've had her for the past week, she has never been like this.

The black marker runs out the slightest bit and Miss instantly replaces it with a red white-board marker. From the table next to me, I notice Ann tightening her jaw in an even firmer line, her hazel-blue eyes narrowed and her left hand clenched into a fist, her knuckles turning white. Miss White scribbles down roughly some notes on the board about the new topic in class 'Care towards the Enviornment'.

About ten minutes later, Miss asks "Have you all finished?" and turns to the class and twenty-four heads nods in synchronisation. Miss White then grabs the white board duster and roughly wipes the notes from the board, missing a tiny streak of red from the word 'save'.

Ann's nostrils flare. Clearly she has had enough. She gets up and flips the table onto its side: "OH MY GOD MISS! YOU LIVE SO MESSILY!"

Everyone looks at her questioningly, looking first at Ann, then at Miss White neatly stacked textbooks and then at her pens and whiteboard markers stacked in a little pile.

"Ann?" Miss White asks, her drawn on eyebrows crinkling in worry.

"No Miss!" Ann shouts in a strong voice unlike her own "I am sick of this!"

I look over to Will and see him bite his lip, his face paling in fright. Seriously? That punk is scared of everything!

"I'm done!" Ann says and after stacking her books in height order and grabbing her pens in her hand she walks out of the door, stopping only to close the door behind her.

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