Chapter Thirty One || The Last Chapter

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Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest... It's about who came, and never left your side...

A day after Jack Scott died was the last time I went to the hospital for a very long time. I opened up room 14B and stared at James, lying completely still and as motionless as ever.
I studied him, I realise my life had gotten easier without him, but the difficulty and utter lengthy-ness to life that James Kristenson brought to my life was something I missed.

"Look, I know you can't hear me, I know you can't see me and I know that you can't romantically feel my presence." I sit down in the chair. "But this is going to be the last time I see you in a long time, you know that."

I face the wall, the same wall that James's feet are pointing at. "You're my best friend and I am a complete and utter idiot for wen associating myself with you. I hate you so much but I love you more, why? Because we're best friends. See, best friends are like that, you hate the guts out of them and want to tear their throats out some of the time," I chuckled "yeah but you gotta get used to that because that's what best friends do. You're a good guy, James. You're a good guy with a crappy best friend who's really bad at their job. If you wake up, I am going to have a message for you but you have to be patient, okay?"
I got up and smiled at James, not getting a response as expected.
"Good things come to those who have shitty best friends." I touch his wrist. "You're a good person James, and don't let anyone think otherwise."

I walked out of the door and closed it. I promised myself it was going to be the last time I saw him, lying in that room.
I kept that promise.

That night, as I washed my face with the new exfoliator that scratches away at my skin and burns my eyes the slightest bit, I get a phone call.
I rinse my face off with the cold water, waking me up even though I should be going to sleep, I elbow my way down stairs and pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Is this Bridgit Newman?" It was the secretary at the hospital with the long nails that scares me.

"Speaking." I purse my lips, preparing myself for the bad news.

"Well, your friend has woken up, James Kristenson. You might want to wait until tomorrow though, he's in a little shock."

A smile bigger than I have ever mustered in my life crept across my face. "I'll be there in ten."

"Wait, wh-" I hung up the phone, the creepy and over excited smile plastered onto my face.
I sprint to Victoria, doing some hand washing, slopping around dark clothes in the laundry sink, doing a brilliant job in not spraying the water everywhere.

"Victoria!" I yelled, in over-excitement. "Can you give me a lift to the hospital? James' awake."

"James is awake?" Victoria dropped the clothes and dried her hands off on her pants.

"I hope so, because I don't need this to be a dud." I sighed and smiled.

I put some pants on and raced out of the house and into the small car that Victoria called her own. I was extremely happy, to say the least. He was awake, against all of the odds, James was awake and okay. Thank God he was okay.
After ten minutes Victoria pulled up to the hospital and I left the car, almost running to the automatic doors.

"James Newman." I said huffing when I got to the CICU, to the lady at the front desk.

"14B," she said without batting an eyelash. "So many people have been requested into seeing him, it's almost impossible to forget."
That comment made my heart melt a little, knowing that James was loved, not only by me.

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