Chapter Ten || Jack is used as a tool of destruction

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"The only thing worse than a boy who hates you: a boy who loves you."

-Marcus Zusak



I woke up late so I had to skip breakfast and sprint down the stairs, saying a quiet goodbye to Indie.

I sprint down the stairs at an alarmingly quick rate, skipping three steps at a time.

I sprint my way to school, my feet pounding on the wet concrete. From across the road I see another person walking. I notice by the flowing of his long blonde locks from under his navy blue cap. I come to realise that it is of course, Josh Evans.

"EVANS!" I shout and he stops in his tracks. I wave vigorously from across the road.

"WHAT?" He shouts back, clearly startled by my sudden appearance.

"YOU LEFT THIS!" I shout, looking for the red pocket umbrella from the bottom of my bag.

The road is quite narrow and with my sorta built arms, this throw'll be easy. I hold the umbrella from the top, since if I hold from the bottom, the handle will pull out and land in the middle of the road. See, I think about these things.

I throw the umbrella across the road, handle first. It somersaults across the asphalt, still glistening from last nights heavy showers.

Josh stumbles and catches it and then smiles back at me "Thanks!"

I smile back and then check my bright yellow wristwatch. It reminds me that I have school to go to. "Oh," I whisper to myself and run off ahead.

Later in English class, I was talking to Henry about my weird dream I had those six long days ago. I told her about the remarks that were shouted to me, the ones that were now imprinted forever into my mind.

"It was just a dream," She shakes her head and her tight braids shake, mimicking her movement. "It's nothing, dreams like that happen all the time,"

"Well never to me," I pause, "What do you mean all the time?"

"Nothing," Henry sighs "It's nothing." She smile nervously, indicating for me to drop the subject.

But I don't "Are you sure?" Henry nods. "We're best friends forever." I point to the paper woven bracelet on my wrist and she looks at her own. "You can tell me anything." I insist.

"It's nothing." Henry repeats.

"What are you talking about?" George raises her eyebrows at Henry and I. "Don't whisper, people will think you are up to something."

"Shut up George." Henry harshly whispers to George, her mouth forming into a slight sneer itself.

And why, now, do I think George knows something?



Oh how I loathed lunch.

We sit in the cafeteria, Henry, George and I. George rambles on about Jack Scott and Henry munches on pizza and George pokes at a mayonnaise drenched salad. I look at my pizza and notice how I picked the biggest slice available.

'Oh Hun,' Ana spoke to me in my mind with her echoing voice 'Look how big the slice is. A lot of cheese too and we all know cheese equals fat.'

'Shut up.' I sneer at the voice that I had heard from so many times in the last six days. The voice that I had resisted for so long.

"What?" George said to me, her eyebrows raising in horror.

Did I really say that out loud?

"Did you say 'shut up' to me?" George flicks her dead straight locks over her shoulder.

Teenage Dilemmas [UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt