Chapter Twenty Six || Swan Song

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"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend."

William Blake


My mouth fell more open than it did before and I just laugh. The coldest laugh I have ever mustered and I rake a hand through my hair.

"Oh my God." My smile fades and I feel Will tense at my anger.

"Sorry." I hear Will whisper but it's too late. I feel like crying on the spot and just ripping everything apart that's around me.

So, my world fell apart as I almost ran out of the hall and into the foyer. I bit my lip and attempted to compose myself and not cry, getting ready to confront both James and Autumn.

I text Victoria to pick me up and without any question, she replies 'Okay.'

The double French-door opened and I whip my neck around almost fast enough to break it.

It was James.

"Look, I'm sorry for-"

"Sorry for what?" The words came out calmer than intended "kissing my stepsister? The one that hates me?"

"I know you're angry but-"

"Well you're a genius then." I say sarcastically.

"Would you let me speak!?" James voice rose to almost frighten me.

"No! Why should I let you! You think you're such a catch!"

"No I don't! If you only knew why I kissed her!"

My stomach dropped "Oh my God, I thought- I thought maybe that I was... I don't know special?"

"You are! You're my best friend! Well, my only friend actually..." James trails.

I don't buy it for a second.

"I know! And you know why you don't have any friends? Because you're a sad, selfish, ignorant and self-obsessed bastard!" I screamed.

The words hit him like a ton of bricks. He swallowed and I prepared for what he was going to say, the horrible things he says.


"No forget it! You James," I gasp, the horrible insults I have wanted to shout at him over the past three months just pour out of my mouth.

"You are horrible! You are so cold, you turn everyone away from you then ask why you don't have friends?" I gasp "I know why, because everyone hates you! Yeah, that's right! You are not some mysterious, hot male protagonist of a book that prances around like her owns the place and gets the girl! No! And you know what, James Kristenson-"

"Shut up!" He yells, louder than me but I don't.

I sigh "You have turned away that only person that cares anymore."

"Don't say that... I know-"

"I hate you." I shake my head and breathe "And I am not joking anymore."

"You don't hate me-"

"I hope you die! Because when you do, I will go to your funeral in a miniskirt and I will dance. On Your. Grave." I spit.

"Bridgit, I can explain-"

"Drop dead Kristenson!" I spit and wrap up the argument and walk outside to see Victoria's car.

I walk and feel a hand wrap around my arm. I spin and rip my arm from James' grasp.


"Never again." I turn and walk and slide into Victoria's car.

Teenage Dilemmas [UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now