Chapter Twenty Eight || Ann's Chocolate Apology

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Chapter Twenty Eight || Ann's Chocolate Apology

"I don't think there is a right or wrong anymore. Only horrible and not-quite-so-horrible."

― James Dashner, The Death Cure

Four Weeks Before


It doesn't make sense anymore.

I think Bridgit hates me but then again, I don't think she would.

The fight that happened at least five weeks back should be considered a falling out but I really don't want it to be.

I finally suck it up and go for a walk, deciding what I am to do next. It was only a short walk, so I didn't really dress for the occasion wearing a t-shirt that was too big and shorts that were more or less unflattering on my short legs. I put on the first shoes I see, a pair of bright pink ugg boots and walk out of the house.

I only go for a short walk and consider my choices:

1. Leave Bridgit as she is or

2. Suck it up and apologise or forgive her or whatever actually happened.

Option 2 sounds like more fun.

I walk for a little bit and see a group of people from school walk down the street. Panic rises inside of me and I look at three possible exits. Behind a bin, behind a wall or continue as if nothing happened. I dart towards the wall and stand behind it, waiting for the group to walk past. It seems as if they have walked past when I hear a voice:

"Ugg boots and short shorts Ann, I'd think you'd have some decency."

"Go away Mike!" I say loudly "I'm having a mid-life crisis!" I roll my eyes and turn around the corner to see Mike.

"You're fifteen!" Mike says!

"I'm sixteen, dweeb!" I scowl. "You wouldn't know, you're only fourteen."

Mike rolls his eyes "And you haven't been ambushed by a menacing guy who is two years older than you and is built like a small truck."

I quieten "Let's go home, I'm sick of walking."

"You look like you wanted to go somewhere." My younger brother sniggered at me.

"Shut up Mike." I scowl and then laugh. It was good to have Happy Mike back.

"Let's go home." I sigh and walk, Mike follows.

So we walked home and I got changed in some decent clothes and make myself look like I at least tried. I ask Mum for a lift to the shops and she obliges, leaving the house in yoga pants and ugg boots. Like mother, like daughter, no?

I rock up to the shops and pick out a large bunch of flowers that have just begun to bloom and walk to the cash register, struggling to hold them.

"Someone's in trouble." The cashier, a young man with a large nose.

I don't reply and I put the bunch of flowers on the dirty conveyor belt of the cash register and watch the flowers make their way down the drive.

"Are these for your boyfriend..." He looks at my plaid shirt and baggy jeans "or girlfriend."

My mouth purses in a thin line "My boyfriend can't get out of his freaking grave, jackass." I spit, lying to the cashier.

The boy's face pales and checks the flowers through. "Ten dollars."

I give him the correct cash and pick the flowers up awkwardly and sashay out of the florist, turning in a checking into the corner store to grab a handful of crème eggs, Bridgit's favourite with a less eventful checkout.

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