Chapter Twenty Seven || What is and Always Should Be

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I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done.

- Lucille Ball


  I wake up and gasp for air. The night was torture and I felt like I was awake for the whole time, watching myself toss and turn in my sleep, muttering about an idiot, blood and gold.

As if in a trance, I swing my legs over the side of my bed and walk straight to the kitchen and make myself some much needed breakfast. With my eyes half open I stare at the clock which reads 5:00am and slide the sliced bread in the toaster.

As I wait for my toast to come out of the toaster, I walk past the answering machine, the red blinking, indicating that there is a message waiting to be heard. It must be for Dad’s work, we’re not allowed to answer the machine because then we’ll screw up Dad’s work and stuff.

My blood surging with curiosity and awe at the fact that I could break the rules, I press the red button and let the message play.

“Young lady who called the hospital, this is for you.” I was stunned at the voice of the man who I called the night before.

“You must be a loved one to the boy we found in the upstairs bathroom of 14 Rich Street. James Kristenson has gone into intensive care with severe blood loss. It is…” The voice sounds uncertain “likely that he will live.” I smile, my mouth turning up at the corners but my eyes not responding.

The message ends and I hold a hand over my heart, feeling it beat rapidly. I’m happy, yet I can’t smile.

Severe blood loss? A trigger goes off in my brain. What had the idiot done now?

I should have seen it beforehand. He was on the borderline and I still went after him. I tortured his poor soul with the deadliest weapon of all, hope. And the thing that sickened me is that I liked it. Curiosity overwhelmed me and I poked at his fragile soul, seeing myself reflected in him.

I sit on the couch and painfully watch middle aged hosts of the morning show laugh at lame jokes while I eat toast. I hear footsteps and feel someone sit on the couch next to me.

“What?” I ask and look to see Max.

“Morning!” He says too cheery for himself.

“What happened? Did Ann propose to you?” I receive a playful slap over the back of the head.

“Are you okay?” Max asks.

“I’m being slowly tortured by lame jokes told by exotic named 40 year olds on TV. I think I’m okay for now.”

“No you’re not.” Max sighs “Remember our superpower?”

“Well, you’re wrong, that thing died out a long time ago.” I sip my coffee which has long gone cold to avoid conversation.

“I’ll find out.” Max sighs and I know he will.

“Morning!” Autumn walks in and plonks herself on the couch, an arm’s length away from Max. “Did you hear? It’s all over Facebook!” Autumn exclaims.

“Enlighten me.” I almost sneer.

She looks at Max and I, raising her eyebrows “About James Kristenson?”

I become the slightest bit concerned and widen my eyes, shaking my head.

“It’s-” Autumn chokes on her words, pursing her lips “Anyone want tea?” She gets up nervously and walks over to the kitchen.

Teenage Dilemmas [UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now