Prologue || Bridgit lands in Dorsborough

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“You know that when I hate you, it is because I love you to a point of passion that unhinges my soul.”

 Julie de Lespinasse

Prologue || Bridgit lands in Dorsborough

Bridgit Newman never believed in true love.

As far as she learnt in her classes all around the world (not excluding Wikipedia), love is just a chemical reaction that happens when the back of your head explode and you get the jitters all over.

Bridgit never believed in love, even when her mother died, and she still doesn’t.

Sitting in a red, beat up panel-van, Bridgit listens to sad music, recording the key words in a small leather bound notebook. She sees the sign ‘Welcome to Dorsborough’. The town was named after James Dorian who ventured over to the cold and grey Canada from France or England to reunite with his love, Anna Jones. Bridgit had her opinions about the story and she would almost always share them.

It was less than five minutes until the engine stopped, coughing and spluttering in the middle of the road. The gloomy surroundings agreed with Bridgit on this one, they were furious.

Bridgit, being who she was, got out immediately of the car and slammed the door, her brown hand-held suitcase in hand almost falling apart on the sidewalk and began to walk. She didn’t walk for long until she was knocked over by a rogue bicycle rider.

Already in a furious mood, Bridgit got up and dusted herself of gravel stuck in her knees.


“Huh?” Bridgit looked up to the person who knocked her over from behind.

“Nothing.” The boy pulled a very well-done fake, wide smile and wiped his thick lensed glasses on his expensive looking jeans.

Bridgit gave the boy a glare, her nose scrunching up and her face turning sour. The boy watched the faint freckles on her nose scrunch up and her almost blue lips form a sneer.

“I'm really really sorry,” Bridgit stopped and looked at the boy, fiddling around with the bike with a large scratch on the frame. “I’m sorry.”

“You better be.” Bridgit sneered at the boy who looked at the ground sheepishly.

“Fine.” The boy stood up, sliding the glasses onto his face.

“Fine!” Bridgit’s eyes narrowed.

“Fine.” The boys golden eyes widened, making his eyes look even more bug-likek than they did before.

“Fine!” Briddgit attempted out-doing the boy who didn’t care.

“What are you ‘fining’ about?” Called Bridgit’s twin brother, Max from behind her. They both shared the same voice, husky and almost always sarcastic. Max scratched his neck and attempted zipping up the black goose down parka he had on.

“This-” Bridgit turned but the boy with the bug eyes was gone, pedalling down the footpath. “Nothing now, I guess."  She smiled, her nose growing red as the snow fell.

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