Chapter Eleven || Ivory skips class

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"Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other."

-Carol Saline


Word spread pretty fast around the school about Bridgit Newman dropping the 'lip-bomb' (as they call it) on Jack. Jack had a stunned reaction and stayed like that for what seemed to be the rest of the day. His eyes stayed in big 'O's for the whole day, as if registering what the hell had just happened.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I shake his shoulders trying to get him out of this stupid trance. We stand in the middle of the now bustling hallway, Bridgit Newman had just made a grand exit from the scene and Jack is still basically paralysed.

"I have a baseball bat in my bag." Liam threatens.

"What?" I ask. "You can't fit a baseball bat in a bag."

"Yes you can." Liam says, crinkling his eyebrows.

"It's physically impossible." I answer back. "Unless your bag is dangerously big, or the baseball bat is small, not decl-"

Liam tinges red "Whatever." He mumbles.

Jack just stood there, staring into a vast nothingness as I attempt to get him to speak.

"Oh god," I sigh to him "If you keep on going like this," I half sing-song tease "I'll tell Autumn."

He broke out of that trance faster than Usain Bolt would've passed the finish line. "Wait, what?"

"Yeah, I though so." I sigh. It's no secret to me that Jack had (and still has) what seems to be an everlasting crush on Bridgit Newman.

I remember when he first told me that he liked her:

Four boys sit, drenched in sweat and salt water on the grassy hill. The wind blows through Dorsborough lightly, making our hair flow as if we were in a modelling studio. The waves crash majestically onto the sand only a few metres below.

"You guys are my best friends yeah?" Jack asks us.

"Yeah." I respond, my eyebrows crinkling as if questioning his question.

"Mmhmm." Liam nods, not looking at Jack.

"We're like the Fab Four." I state. I lay down on the grassy hill, soaking up the rare warmth of the sun.

"The four musketeers!" Liam springs to his feet and grabs a nearby stick, wielding it as a sword.

"There are three Musketeers." I justify.

"Whatever." He shakes his head, and grabs my hand and pulls me up, helping me to stand.

"Amigos 'til death!" Jack springs up beside me and knuckle rubs the top of my head.

"And to us," Liam starts.

"That's a forever away!" Jack and I chorus.

It was sort of our motto, 'Amigos 'til death. And to us that is a forever away!" It was grammatically incorrect, but we were, what... Eleven, okay?

"And why are you asking Jack?" Liam questions, picking up his light blue painted bike.

"Well," Jack started off, twiddling his thumbs.

"Well?" I ask, picking up my own bike, the red one with flames painted on the sides of it.

"I..." He hesitated.

"What Jack!" Liam demands.

"I like Bridgit Newman." Jack breathed.

"Yeah, and I like Ebony McLeod." I roll my eyes.

Teenage Dilemmas [UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now