Chapter Nine || Bridgit sits at the marked tree

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1:25pm, Tuesday June 3

I check my phone for the time. I hate forgetting my watch. I always check the time, I need to know the time, all the time.

Max and I walked through the crowded corridors of Dorian High to where Max's locker is, four spaces from mine. He grabs his English exercise book and a pen, which he puts behind his ear to free his hands. I look in my locker and see its messy. I don't mind, not today but I know I'll have an attack tomorrow so I spend the next ten minutes cleaning my locker.

"Hurry up Ann!" Max says tugging on my blazer sleeve. "Your taking forever!"

"Shut up." I scold half-heartedly. He doesn't understand. 

So, ten minutes after clearing out my locker, I walk over to the cafeteria deciding to buy myself some lunch today.

After choking down an over-cooked hamburger with wilted lettuce and plastic-tasting fake cheese, Max as I decide to walk around the school.

"Let's play 20 questions." Max suggests, walking beside me.

"So cliche," I half heartedly roll my eyes "but okay." I say the slightest bit embarrassed about my previous action and tuck a stray hair behind my ear. 

"Bridgit's rubbing off on you?" Max says and I laugh "You first." Max insists.

"Er..." I nervously tuck another stray piece of hair behind my ear. "What's your biggest fear?"

"Tight spaces and underground places, opposite to Bridgit, she is terrified of open spaces and heights." Max scratches the nape of his neck almost nervously.

I smile nervously "Your turn."

"Er..." he smiles nervously at me and bites his lip as if thinking. "Okay, if you could change one physical thing about yourself what would it be?"

"Make myself taller." I say without thinking "I hate being short." I cross my arms across my chest for a brief second.

"Your not that short." Max says "Your fun size."

I ignore his statement and think of another question "Books or Movies?"

"Books all the way." Max answers "I love reading."

"Same here." I say, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear.

After a few more questions, we walk past the school library.

"Can we..?" He asks, gesturing to the library.

"Yes." I say and we both walk inside.

In our library, there are a lot of books. When I say a lot, I mean a lot. It's the pride of our school. The little space there is where there weren't books, are tables with the geekiest of computer geeks sit hunched over laptop screens, muttering about 'World of Warcraft' and 'Minecraft'.

Max darted through the library recommending me a whole stack of books, which I had loved and already read. I told him that I couldn't borrow because I still had a whole lot of books about Medieval History out, which was a lie.

"Okay." He sighed and we went to work putting all the novels back.

"Stop!" We heard Mrs Nubbins shout shrilly to us. I whipped around and saw the old woman shuffling towards us. "You have to put all your books that you have there." She said pointing with a wrinkled finger to an empty cart which had a sign that said: PLACE YOUR BOOKS HERE.

"Okay." Max said in shame, reddening.

"Now go, you up to no good teenagers!" She shouted after us.

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