6: The Ballas Jewel Heist/Taking Care of Business [revised]

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I woke up to a ringing cell phone, and let out a long groan. I picked up the damned object and pressed the phone on my ear. "What?" I hissed into the phone.

"Where are you? I've been trying to get a hold of you." Lester spoke.

"What for?" I whispered upon realizing Trevor had fallen back to sleep too.

"I think I have a score for all of you. You know, a getting-to-know-you heist. Teamwork. You'll be able to show the boys what you got. You in? I've got Michael, and Franklin here, but we can't seem to get a hold of Trevor. Do you know where Trevor is?"

"Passed out on the floor," I spoke. "Should be up soon."

"And where are you?"

"Sandy Shores."

"Wh-. . .Why are you out there? Get Trevor, and haul him back home! We have work to do!"

I hung up just as Trevor started to come to. He let out a long groan. "What the fuck was that?" he questioned.

"Fucking Lester needs us at his house, so we have to hurry over.

"God dammit!" he shouted before getting up off of the bed. I looked into his closet and pulled out a black shirt with flames that read "BALLS OF FIRE" on the back of the shirt. I also pulled out a pair of black pants.

"You should wear this," I suggested. "It would look nice on you."

He examined the outfit and mumbled slightly, putting it on to my surprise. His eyes scanned me questioningly, I guessed he also wasn't too sure on what happened last night.

"I don't know, I'll just change when I get home. Fuck it." I sighed, waving my hand lazily. "Want me to drive?"

"I'm fine driving, I've done this plenty o' times, sweets." He took his car keys from the counter in the kitchen and walked out of the door with me.

I took my gun out. "I wanna shoot people as we drive by them."

He seemed surprised at this. "Really?" he questioned as he started to drive.

"Yep," I spoke confidently as I pulled my gun out and pointed it at someone, who started to run away screaming. I created havoc, a town full of screaming, scared people as they scurried every which way, one even ran onto the road. Trevor ran them right over, and I let out a deafening laugh, causing him to look at me with what looked like pride.

We arrived at Lester's house, and Trevor parked behind the Tailgater. He jumped out of the truck effortlessly and started to approach the run down house, me following behind, trying to walk a little faster in order to keep up. The door unlocked, allowing Trevor and I to walk in. He bowed to allow me to walk in front of him, slapping my ass as I passed him. I let out a squeal and smirked at him, walking into the room with everyone.

"Where were you guys?" Lester questioned. He was skeptical. "You didn't answer until the third call," Lester said, pointing to me accusingly. I sighed.

"Look, I wanted to see Sandy Shores, Trevor took me there, we got shit faced at the bar, and I knocked out in his house." Franklin and Michael wordlessly exchanged suspicious and skeptical glances, causing me to lift my hands up in defense. "Hey, hey!" I spoke up. "Can't a gal get shit faced with a pal without getting stupid accusations? We didn't sleep together, we woke up in two different places, fully clothed."

"Well," Trevor spoke.

I sighed. "Well, I for one was fully dressed, panties untampered."

"Well they seem fuckin' 'tampered' now, don't they?" Trevor spoke with a groan, throwing his arms up.

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