23: Keep it Professional

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I wasn't able to process words at this point, I was only able to stare at the shocked, rotund man who was staring right at us with horrified eyes.

"What the fuck?!" he asked after about what felt like five minutes of awkward silence and shifting glances.

"I—I—We—Uh. . . Please don't tell Michael or Franklin, we wanted to keep it on the down low, and if they knew about this, they wouldn't talk to me, and it is just weird for them to know as it is—"

"God, I wish I didn't know about this!" Lester spoke, collapsing on the couch in the room as I hurriedly dressed myself, cheeks flushed and heart racing. "Since the Ballas heist?"

I shook my head. "No, ever since Trevor and Michael went to Madrazo's and kidnapped Patricia." I spoke.

"I don't know why you're so shocked, I'm quite the stud," Trevor spoke as he slipped his shirt back on. "Sooner or later, she'd fall for Uncle T's charm."

Lester was rubbing his temples now in irritation. "I'm glad I'm the only one who knows about this freak show so we can all MOSTLY get along. If they knew you were friendly with Trevor, oh, man, the drama would be insane right now," Lester spoke before pushing his glasses higher on his nose. "This explains so much, but I just assumed Trevor was making advances on you like he does all women, I didn't think it'd turn into anything. I mean, a woman would have to be truly desperate to—"

I was glaring daggers at Lester now, arms folded and foot tapping. "Desperate to. . .?"

"To—Ah. . ." he stopped speaking when he saw my frustrated, angered form. "I—Perhaps I've said too much."

"Yeah, perhaps," I spoke. I sighed and turned to Trevor, shoving his shoulder lightly. "Damn, couldn't have locked the door, could ya?"

"Oh, yes, because that wouldn't look suspicious, a locked door with you and I behind it," Trevor spoke sarcastically. "Ingenious."

Lester let out a long sigh. "Anyways, onto actual important things. . . Were you planning on doing the big one with us, or is this little dilemma between you and Michael that bad?" Lester spoke.

Trevor waved his hand in the air before taking a seat at his desk, pulling me onto his lap. "You're crazy if you think I want to walk away from that. I just, I don't know about Michael."

"And you, Lucy?" Lester asked me.

I smiled. "Definitely following through on the heist." Trevor's hands snaked around my waist now, rhythmically rubbing my hips.

"God, Jesus, can you not do that?" Lester questioned with a scrunched face.

"Hey man, you know, so there's nothing keeping me from touching my lady." Trevor spoke. "My lady who is ashamed to tell our friends we're together."

I turned to look at him with squinted eyes and pointed at him. "We can tell them after the big one. Just. . .This would be the worst time to tell them, and you know that."

"Hey, hey," he held his hands out. "You're the boss."

"Is this a serious thing, or just a 'friends having consensual sex everywhere because it's naughty and wrong' thing?" Lester questioned.

"It's a serious thing," I spoke. "I love him, he loves me."

"Yeah that's right," Trevor spoke confidently. "I do love her."

Lester let out a long sigh. "Typical Trevor falling in love with any girl who gave him so much as a chance," he muttered with a head shake. "You couldn't have chosen someone who wasn't your teammate? Should have kept you away from him longer, Lucy."

"Hey hey, what the fuck, Les?" Trevor questioned. "Sorry you can't get pus—"

"Hey," I spoke, cutting him off before I turned my attention back at Lester. I shook my head. "If we had met earlier, maybe he would have been able to help my business during my coma, or stop Carlos's murderers. . . " I spoke. I turned to look at him. "I'm scared to think of what would have happened, had he not been here to make sure I was okay."

"But you're a big girl who can take care of herself, you don't need this guy. If anything, he'll put you in more trouble than before."

"Well, it happened. And thank you for unintentionally getting us together, since you did introduce us," I spoke. I turned to look at Trevor, then wrapped my arms around his neck, placing a kiss on his lips. "I love this madman."

Lester groaned. "Keep it professional, and I won't freak the fuck out over your. . . . Demonic relationship," he spoke, he put all of his weight on his cane as he, with great difficulty, stood up from the couch, and limped to the door. He stopped to turn to look at Trevor and I seriously. "Got it?"

"Sure, amigo, whatever you say," Trevor spoke as he dismissively waved at Lester.

After Lester left, I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. What was with all of the disapproval? 

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