24: Serious

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"Was that how the day was supposed to go?" I asked Trevor in irritation. "Lester finding us mid-fuck in your office?"

"Yes, I asked him to watch and he said 'Sure, why not'!" Trevor spoke sarcastically. "Look, it isn't even a big deal if you love me!"

I crossed my arms. "Lester just said not to tell anyone!"

"Fuck Lester!" he shouted angrily. "Fuck him fuck him fuck him! And fuck you if you can't admit you're my girl!"

I was silent now, I looked down at my feet and shuffled them. I wasn't sure how to respond, what he said kind of hurt, but it wasn't like he didn't have a reason to be angry. I could see how he could assume I was ashamed of him. "If we ever get engaged, that's when we'll tell them."

He stared at me for a moment before squinting his eyes at me. "Engaged?"

"I know you're not going to commit to me, you know I don't want to tell the world we're together. We both have our own reasons, but that doesn't mean we don't love each other." I spoke with folded arms.

"I—Who the fuck said we wouldn't ever get married?"

"Everything about you, Trevor. How many women had you been with before me?"

"They were meaningless, you aren't!" he spoke. He was staring into my eyes now. "What are you so afraid of? What are you really afraid of?"

"I don't want to make Michael and Franklin—"

"You're someone who doesn't give a shit what people think or feel. So don't give me that bullshit," Trevor seethed. "The truth, Lucy."

I started to tear up, my vision getting cloudy as I sniffed as he forced me to speak my biggest fear. "Everyone I've ever loved, leaves me. . ." I whispered. "I've been abandoned so many times, I can't handle another heartbreak."

His eyes searched mine now, he remained quiet.

"First my parents abuse me, they emotionally abandon me. My aunt and uncle physically abandoned me when they died. The one and only serious relationship before you, cheated on me in our own bedroom. Carlos died. Everyone left, even if it wasn't by choice they all left my life, leaving me alone." I sniffed, I felt the tears run down my cheeks for the second time this week. God, what an emotional time. "If we become public and take things to a more serious note, and you leave me. . .It will crush me."

"Hey." Trevor spoke, I kept my eyes on my shoes and nervously shifted in my stance. "Hey, look at me." I finally lifted my head slightly, eyes adverting to look up at him through my lashes. "I am not going to ever, ever fucking leave you. No one is going to kill me, no one is going to kidnap me, no one is going to rip you from me. That isn't going to happen, alright? Because I have someone who is important to me for the first time in my fuckin' life, and maybe it's time to settle down."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "W—"

He took my hand. "I vow never to fucking abandon you, I am loyal, you know that. If you need more time to trust my words, fine. Just know that I mean every fuckin' word, Lucy Reaper." He spoke, he placed a rough kiss on my mouth before he walked to the door and opened it. "Now come on, we've got shit to do."

I smiled as he pulled me through the door and into the changing room for the strippers. I turned to Trevor and eagerly took his hand.

This caught the attention of the girls who started to whisper to each other about the predicament. Their 'bachelor' boss just revealed he was taken. I could tell some of them were jealous, or just angry their attempts to flirt with him would be meaningless now.

"We're going to go get some food, cause man, do I have the munchies," Trevor spoke as he took me outside and got in the driver's seat of my Banshee. I hopped into the passenger seat and took his hand.

I smiled. "Thank you."

"No problem, baby," he spoke. He started to drive, but I wasn't sure where we were going. "Up-N-Atom." He spoke, as if he could read my mind.

"How about we merge businesses?" I blurted out. He stopped my car abruptly, causing a chorus of honking behind us. We pulled over and ignored the fleet of middle fingers pointed at us as we locked eyes.

"What?" he questioned.

"I trust you," I breathed. "I trust you that much. You can handle transportation and stock, since you have aircrafts, and a bigger variety of things to sell, and I'll handle clientele and staff, because of my people skills and connections," I spoke, growing excited. "I handle my cocaine operations as usual but I also allow your product in my warehouses and they'll be shipped out together. I make sure our workers are doing their jobs and we split profit down the middle."

Trevor's eyes flickered with excitement. "I fucking love you, baby," he growled as he grabbed me by the chin, our lips colliding in a fiery, passionate kiss.

"What'll we name the business?" I asked as I pulled away.

"Philips-Reaper Industries," he spoke. "Gotta get new merch made for it."

My heart was racing, I let out a squeal of excitement as he took out his phone and called Ron to make arrangements, and I called Maurice to do the same.

Insanity x2 (A Trevor Philips Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora