19: Supercar Delivery for Devon Weston

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The next morning, Trevor had left to deliver some vehicles for Devon Weston. Apparently, these were super cars. I would have asked to come along, but it wasn't my mission, it was Trevor's, Franklin's, and Lamar's.

There was no room for me in the three seat towtruck, and Trevor and I were still a secret duo. I wished that everyone knew, so I could have had Lamar's job in this situation, and I could be sitting with Trevor and Franklin instead of him.

I sat on Trevor's bed, figuring out what to do now. I was thinking of looking online for nice cars, but I already had so many in my other garages. I didn't need any more.

I stretched my legs, yawning as I buried my face into the pillow. He hadn't said goodbye to me this morning. Probably thought he would have woken me up. I got up from the bed and walked outside, finding Ron shooting cans. "Hey, Ron," I greeted.

"Hey, Lucy. Trevor looked happy this morning," he spoke, then smiled at me.

This made me grin. "Yeah, good," I spoke, then got into my Rusty Rebel. "Catch you later."

I drove to The Vanilla Unicorn. Wade was still there getting his thousandth lap dance. I sighed and shook my head at him, poor guy entranced by 'boobies.' I wondered when the last time he showered was. Or slept.

"Hey," I turned to find the stripper who I had met when I first came in here. The girl with the long, red boots. "You're one of the boss's friend's."

"Yeah," I responded.

"He isn't around today."

"Yeah, I know, I'm just. . ." How was I going to explain what I was doing here? I certainly wouldn't be allowed in Trevor's office without him. "Gonna have a few drinks," I spoke, eyeing the bar.

She smiled, and leaned against the wall, folding her arms. "You could strip, you know."

"Thank you, but I already have a job," I responded with a smile. She shrugged.

"For fun, I mean. And extra money. No one could ever have too much of that."

She had a very different view on life than I did, that was for sure.

I laughed softly. "No, thanks. It would be super weird if Trevor was my boss, since we're, er, friends, y'know."

"Oh," she spoke, and smiled. "I guess you're right, girl. Well, have fun." She turned and started to wave at customers who had just walked in, who floated to her, obviously entranced. Wasn't my thing.

I walked to the bar and took a seat, taking my phone out and placing it on the table in case it went off. I was eager for Trevor to message me or something.

I sat there, drumming my fingers against the counter until I sighed and stretched. Maybe I should have started to clean up my home for my parents. Or maybe I shouldn't give a shit at all about how they see my life.

I'd allow them to visit my Sandy Shores home, I didn't care enough to impress them with my Los Santos home. They weren't worth driving there and dealing with the pesky, rich residents. They'd have to deal with the cool meth heads that lived around me.

I ordered a few shots of gin, which I hesitantly took, I wasn't used to drinking without Trevor anymore. I frowned and picked up my phone and left the establishment. Since I was Trevor's friend, I drank for free. I didn't really want to abuse that privilege, and I also didn't really want to drink alone around a bunch of skeevy men.

I dialed Trevor's number and leaned against the wall, near the freeway overpass. I could start to feel the burning in my throat become a numbing sensation as my vision started to blur. That gin was stronger than I had expected it to be, unlike the shitty alcohols in Sandy Shores. Holy shit.

"Hello?" Trevor questioned. "I'm a little busy."

"Baby," I whined.

"What?" he questioned harshly into the phone, but I could hear he was being rude since Franklin was probably right next to him at the moment.

"I love you," I purred. "I love you and I am so bored without you home, please come home so we can do some stupid shit, pleaseeee," I moaned.

"Wow, you're wasted," I heard Trevor's amused voice on the phone before I heard sirens in the background. "Shit, I have to go. Talk to you later."

He hung up, leaving me hanging as I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket. I turned back into the Vanilla Unicorn and headed inside Trevor's office. I didn't care if they didn't like me here. I lay myself on his couch and allowed myself to drift into a deep, drunken sleep.

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