27: Dinner

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I arrived at Trevor's trailer, parking my Zentorno in his empty garage so no one would see it and try to take it from me. I had a tracking device on my vehicle at all times, I just didn't want the hassle of having Trevor find out and gut the poor sap who was dumb enough to rob us.

I walked inside of the trailer with a sigh, finding two plates at the dining table. Both had pieces of fried chicken, along with corn on the cob and mashed potatoes. He probably picked up dinner somewhere, as there was no stack of dirty dishes around us.

"Made dinner?" I questioned aloud, snickering.

"What, you don't think I can make shit like this?"

I turned to see Trevor had walked out of his room in his stained, white t-shirt. I snickered and folded my arms. "You probably could. But where's the stack of dirty dishes?"

"Ah, my little detective," he mused, taking my hands, pulling me towards him with a smirk. "Are you still mad at me?"

"No," I spoke, placing a kiss on his lips. "Not anymore."

"Well, sit down 'n eat, it's getting cold."

"It's probably already cold," I spoke, picking the plate up and placing it in the microwave. I heated it up for a bit before removing it and sitting across from him, he was already digging into his plate. "Stoned?" I questioned humorously.

"Smoked a little to come down from that ridiculous high I got from your product. Too potent for my taste," he spoke. "I can see why it's so popular." He started to nibble at his corn, the mashed potatoes were already wiped clean, and most of his corn, a half-eaten chicken breast remaining on his plate.

I grinned, taking a bite of chicken, moaning. "Man, if you ever do make chicken like this, I'll marry you."

He snickered back. "Ah, the way to a girl's heart is the ability to fry chicken," he smirked. He walked to the fridge and took out a bucket.

"Oh shit," I spoke. "We got more chicken," I was almost done with my food, too. He placed a couple of pieces on a plate and popped it in the microwave, eating the rest of his chicken as he waited.

"Baby," he spoke, sitting in front of me. "You look guilty."

"Damn," I muttered before sighing. "I met Michael's family today."

"Ah, thoughts?"

"Amanda's kind of a bitch," I spoke. He licked his fingers.

"Yeah, she's like that," he spoke, taking the chicken out of the microwave. I took a piece of chicken and placed it on my plate, hissing as it slightly burned my fingers. He adjusted in his seat, picking up a hot piece of chicken as if it didn't hurt him. "The kids are cool. I remembered bouncing them on my knee when they were little."

I bit my lip. "Did you ever want kids?"

This made him place his food back on his plate and stare at me as he chewed. He hesitated, swallowing his food before responding. He didn't speak due to contemplation rather than being polite, I could tell he was really confused and taken back by my statement. "It wouldn't be smart with all the enemies we have. This is our life," he spoke. "They wouldn't be safe."

I nodded, peeling off the chicken skin and eating it. It was my favorite part. "True, true."

"Did you want kids?" he asked.

I stared at my plate. "I don't know. I mean, I don't think I want any. But our window to have kids is closing."

"You're thirty-fuckin-four, when does your window close?"

"It can start as early as forty," I responded. "So six years, roughly."

"Well, we can decide then," he spoke. "I mean, I can't lie, I think I'd like having a kid or two, but. . . I shouldn't, I'd be a shitty father and role model, and we'd have a hard time protecting them. . . " he sighed. "We haven't even chosen one home yet."

"Well, why not mine? It's completely remodeled. This could be your. . . Man cave," I spoke, looking around the place.

"And what's wrong with my place?" he asked, offended.

"We just remodeled mine, it's bigger. . . I mean, you could still own this property. We're filthy rich."

"True," he spoke, clearing his throat. "I mean, we can just sleep at your house, and I can use this as TPI—I mean, RPI—'s office. I'll still spend my time here during the day when I'm not at LS at The Vanilla Unicorn."

I smiled. We finished dinner and I washed the dishes before drying them and putting them away. I felt hands clasp onto my ass, and turned to meet the hungry eyes of Trevor. Hungry for me.

"You have such a bangin' body," he purred. "Come on," he spoke, taking my hand, leading me to the bedroom. I followed, feeling my lust grow as he pulled me onto the bed, placing me on top of him.


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