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Kylo hated Hux for the way he looked at him.
He was a sadist.
Corrupted and cold, with frigid eyes that shined in the same fashion.
Just like the way he propped himself up on his chair
With a leather boot like onyx.

Observing the men in the control room
You could tell by the smirk on his face
That they had done satisfactory work.
And no one would want to make General Hux upset
Considering that he owned every one of Those men
Living with no purpose other than to serve Their higher power.

A single slip up could cost a life.

What those men didn't know was that he also owned The Commander.
Their Superior,
The Knight,
Kylo Ren.

Even from across the room Hux's eyes Pierced into him.
And maybe the true reason why he was Smirking was because he was there too.

Soon, none of his power would matter
Because Supreme Leader would be there.
When that does happen,
Totalitarian Hux
Will be reduced to nothing but dirt.

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