UPDATE 12/29/17

224 12 1

WOW ITS BEEN LIKE??? Almost 3 years since I even started the rough draft for this story??

Not gonna lie, this story is one of my proudest accomplishments considering this is the first long fanfic I've ever made and finished?? Plus it's hit 2k views?? Thank you so much haha. There's a lot I wish I included in the story too though, I just love this story to bits; it's my literal baby, despite it being inspired by a MIW song LMAOO I was so emo when I was 14.

I saw TLJ a long time ago, but it's instilled new vigor in me to write another Kylux fic haha.

I plan on writing another fic like this one, but with a different plot obviously. Knowing what happened in TLJ, I'd love to experiment with scenes where Rey is connected to Kylo by the force, if you get what I mean ;) idk though because I don't want it too be too much like this fic; this is the kind of Kylux that I like, you feel?

It's obviously going to be in the same format as this. I just don't know how to start it.

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