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Hux is like a God.

Given the recent tradgedies with the Star

Hux took it upon himself to start from
Phase one all over again.
(Or at least, until Snoke arrived.)

One of the flies
Found a new planet.
Called it Orellius.

He notified Hux over how inadequate the
Species on the planet were.
How they seemed to not contain weapons
Or sufficient knowledge of fighting.

They seemed peaceful.
Officers called them weeds.

Hux had known about them for over
A month.
Said if they were so feeble,
They had no purpose for the First Order.
Even Resistance Rats wouldn't take them.

So Hux decided that
They had to be wiped from the face of
The Universe.

The First Order had to still claim its place
As a superpower.
Instill fear into the Galaxy,
Exterminate a lesser species,
Claim power,
Because it would be right for the
First Order.

But of course Kylo knew that a part of
Was just doing it for the hell of it.
(He prefers hitting two birds with one

He was giving that traditional speech
To thrill his men of such extermination.
The emotion Hux put into them was almost
So it wasn't hard to entice the Stormtroopers into listening to him.

He knew his men would die for him just to
See the First Order dominate the universe.

Hux is a proud man because of that.

Kylo couldn't make it to the platform from
Which he stood
But he hid away from the stormtroopers just
To admire him.
Hux always stood tall during these
The decadence was practically being fused
Into him.

But why did he have to choose what would
Happen to those people?
They did nothing to the First Order.

Kylo shook his head.
Dear god, it was happening again.
It always happens.

Hux descended from the platform as they
Cheered, noticing Kylo along the way.
Kylo turned to look at him,
And Hux's spider eyes turned into that of a
Butterfly's within moments.

"Did anyone ask you about your lip?"
Kylo asked him.

"Definitely. I didn't even think about the consequences of it."

"What did you say?"

"I said Millicent bit me."

Hux could feel Kylo smiling from under the
The two walked off into an abandoned
Storage room, where Kylo was free to take
His mask off.

They kissed, noticing last night's bruises
Finally forming out of unraveled clothing.
There, Hux bit Kylo's lip too as an act of

First Kylo whined over it, then he laughed,
"Oh, Hux, I never take off my mask. Who's going to notice-"

"Snoke will, when he has that talk with you."

The smirk faded from Kylo, transferring onto
Hux's face.
He pursed his lips, then kissed him again,

"Then I hope it heals within a short amount of time."

Creatures // Kylux Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang