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The following morning was filled with
A sense of melancholy that made
Suicide seem kinder.

Kylo awoke nauseous,
Hux anxious.

Kylo threw up in the toilet three times,
Hux took a shot of whiskey.

They bathed together;
Sat in front of a vanity and
Fixed their hair
In the kindest way.

Hux sat there in front of Kylo,
Who stood,
Because his hair had to be especially
On this godforsaken day.

But he yawned, then dropped his chin
Along with his eyelids.
His body tilted backwards into Kylo.

"You can't sleep, Hux." Kylo said,
"Supreme Leader is coming."

Hux snuggled deeper,
"Which is exactly why I want to sleep, so I can escape from this."

"You're gonna get hell for that."

"I'm gonna get hell either way over Star Destroyer."

Kylo looked at his reflection.
He knew he was missing something.

"What about the Orellian woman?"
He asked.

"We should check on her, but not now."

"Why not?"

"I don't want to exist today."

Kylo didn't either, but he shook him.
"Get up."

He dragged Hux's body up with him
As he walked away,
Put on his helmet and
Cloak, and guided him out.


Hux wasn't surprised when he and Kylo
Found the woman dead that next day.
(Surely it was a bad omen.)

Kylo mourned her, but Hux examined her,
Hopeful in discovering a prognosis to
The death.

She was sitting against the wall,
Eyes rolled back till her pupils stopped
Deformed as a fly that had been swatted.
She was shot in the head:
Brain matter had splattered along the wall.
The splints were gone from her fingers.
Both arms had been mutilated and
Broken backwards at the elbows.
The only normal looking body part was
He left knee,
For the right one was broken just like
The elbows,
Except for her kneecap popped
Out from the flesh.
(Her blood still smelled sweet)

Her breasts were exposed,
They were covered in bruises and cuts
That ran all the way down to her
Exposed labia.

She had definitely been defiled after that.
The semen was still wet,
And was even tucked inside the grooves
Of vaginal lacerations.

Kylo mourned her death as
Hux watched her.

Mitaka was going to get it.

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