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Make it be damned that the stars
Begged Kylo to plaster himself against
The window infront of them.
Facing his General (lover),
He took his clothes off.
And just like he thought,
The stars thought his scar-riddled body
Was art
They would pay to see him every night
Just like that.

Hux pressed harder against him,
And slowly
Kylo felt himself riding up the window.
He was being kissed on the lips
Till he couldn't breathe

His eyes were closed the whole time.

"I love you," Hux breathed,
"I love you... I love you..."

Hux did not relent, as the kisses tattooed
Kylo into someone
Completely different.

Hux undid his fly,
Spat into his palm,
Stroked himself,
Then slid himself into Kylo.
It felt just as casual.




It was peculiar.
The feeling of being loved,
And loving back...
Was peculiar.

This sex was peculiar in general!
Because it wasn't sex!
It was lovemaking!
And did Kylo crave more of it!
It was so beautiful


The need to be with someone forever,
Not by lust,
But by connection,
Was a Freedom the First Order could not
Take away.
This was the only thing he wasn't being
To do
And it was- beautiful!

"I love you too, Hux." He muttered,
Almost as a plea.
Hux pushed him against the window
His body squeaked against it
With every thrust.
Kylo only hid his head into his lover's
And felt jewels of his kisses that married
His neck.

He liked being loved.

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