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Hux didn't look like it, but he truly loved
Jazz music.

He liked artists with odd names
That were too hard to pronounce.
Because of that, he would sometimes
Describe his taste in music as:

So good, it's out of this galaxy.

When Kylo first arrived,
The music was so loud that it seemed
Hux only invited him to listen.

The origin of the noise came from
Hux's living room,
Where he was pulling out a tea set
From his china cabinet,
And where Millicent was on his armchair,
And hissed at Kylo.

Hux cleared the cat off the chair,
Allowing Kylo to sit as he prepared the tea.
Kylo set his helmet on the floor next to

And even though they hadn't talked
With the exception of a simple hello-
The feeling of professionalism in the room
Was very strange.

Millicent came up to Kylo as Hux
Started to boil water.
He attempted to pet her,
But all he received was a nasty scowl
Accompanied by intense growling.

Kylo sank into the depths of
Hux's armchair,
Relishing in the heat of the fireplace
Burning behind him,
And admiring Space outside his monolithic
The Jazz music still played like a ghost
In the background:

Though it's just a simple melody
with nothing fancy, nothing much
You could turn it to a symphony-
a Schubert tune with a Gershwin touch

Hux entered once again, poised,
Carrying white china in his white china tray
As steam escaped from the teapot spout.
He placed it in the coffee table
Between them,
Slowly pouring a magenta liquid into
One of the cups.

Oh! How my love song gently cries
for the tenderness within your eyes
My love is a prelude that never dies

"Do you like the song?" He asked.

"I do." Kylo said, receiving a soft smile
From him.

"It's one of my favorites."

He handed a cup to Kylo,
And he accepted it with caution.
Sipping the tea for the first time made
His tastebuds tickle to the sweetness.

"What flavor is this?" He asked.

"Hibiscus marmalade." Hux replied,
Sipping relaxingly;
But Kylo couldn't help but down himself
To the point of the liquid dripping to
His chin.

"Careful," Hux said, getting up,
Bending down,
And casually sucking the tea off
Kylo's chin,
Smooching him on the lips straight after.

Then he held onto him,
Burying his head into Kylo's neck,
Leaving him speechless,
Rocking him side to side.
It took Kylo a moment to realize the
Swings were in tempo with the song now.

Embrace me
My sweet embraceable you
Embrace me
My irreplaceable you
Just to look at you
My heart grows tipsy in me
You and you alone

After listening,
Kylo soon started to rock himself with Hux.
It was honestly one of the calmest
Sensations he had felt in a long time.
(He could have even laid his head against
Hux's and fallen asleep.)

Come to me
Come to me do
My sweet embraceable you.

When the song ended,
It took Hux about the same time to
Detach himself to Kylo as it did
For him to attach in the first place.
(And all balance was gone...)

"Have you had any luck finding Luke Skywalker?"

Kylo rubbed the back of his head,
Reconciling in the heat that he didn't
Want to leave him.

"I was thinking about canceling my plan."

Hux gave him a look of absolute perplexion.

"What are you talking about?" he snapped,
"this was your goal from the start, and you just want to forget it?"

"We've lost too much, Hux. You even said it yourself: there is no possible way we can obtain that map. Wherever the droid is, we know it's with that Rey girl. Wherever Rey is, is where the heart of the resistance is too. It's just too risky, and Skywalker is probably dead anyways."

Hux sighed at him.

"Are you angry with me?" Kylo asked.

As angry as Hux wanted to be,
Something inside him just wasn't at all.

"No." He told him, "but you realize Snoke will not be impressed by your actions, yes?"

"I know." Kylo said.

"I don't know what's gotten into you, Ren. You've changed since we attacked Orellius."

Kylo looked down,
Petted the scar on his face.
"I don't know either."

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