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Ben was just at the gates of his
Salvation now.
Stealing a tie fighter was going to be easy.
He and Hux were the
General and apprentice;
Nobody is supposed to ask them anything.

Except for...
And he stopped.


Hux stopped trying to meddle in freeing
The tie fighter,
Being its doctor and messing
With its umbilical cord.
Holding onto Millicent,
He turned to Ben, who had his arms
Held out.

"Hand me the spider."


"I need to talk to Phasma."

"Why do you need to speak to her??"

Ben held his fist to his heart.
He looked down at his feet.

"I want to ask if she wants to come."

Hux glanced at Millicent,
Then at the cord,
And finally at Ben.
"Very well," he answered,
Handing Spider to him,
"Don't take took long."

Ben nodded,
And took his helmet off.

He always had the eyes of stained glass,
But accompanied by his smile,
He was art.

Stormtroopers couldn't even believe
Their eyes
At his purity.

"I love you." Honeysuckle lips moved.
Then quickened and made love
To Hux's own,
Letting go just as softly,
Just to pierce his soul with
Galaxy eyes.

Stormtroopers thought it was blasphemy.

Armitage Hux thought it was the
Meaning of life.

"I love you too."

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