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The room where Supreme Leader's throne
With all its gaudiness;
Where his hologram had been
Bigger and bluer
Than the melancholy that reflected
From Kylo and Hux's eyes,
Was like a black hole now.
It was like the walls were starved plants,
And ate any particle light that crept inside.

And even from a foot away,
Kylo couldn't see
The ocean
In Hux's eyes.


Standing in front of his throne,
Supreme Leader wasn't as intimidating
Anymore: His throne seemed to have
Reduce him to the size of a mite;
Kylo could get on his tip toes and
Touch above his head
If he wanted to.

Spider crooned and wallowed
For Supreme Leader Snoke
Was absolutely repulsive!
Kylo didn't like looking at him either
The vibrancy of Spider's complaining was
Enough that he had
To rest his hand over his thigh
Just to
Keep it calm.

He took off his helmet.
The air had became ash, and
When his lips touched it raw and
Absorbed it,
It was like he hadn't breathed in years.
(His lungs would definitely be thanking him
For granting them the oxygen.)

Hux meddled with his hands.
They were behind his
Tedious as the expression on his face
So Snoke couldn't guess his
(More so a plea,)
To disappear.
Tediousness was always satisfactory.
It was they best way to sell a lie.

Hux knew, however, that he was
Going to be
The one.
Supreme Leader was going to desecrate
Him like he did to Mitaka,
And leave him to rot for the rats to eat;
Make him just as soulless as the bodies
At the bottom of the ship.

...What a beauteous irony it would be to
Use his own devices against him!

The fact that Snoke hadn't killed
Either one of them yet was
A beauty in its own!

"The time we haven't conversed in has almost seemed interminable,"
He said.
(Sham) Godliness shined on him,
(It was dimmer than the light within Hux)

"...And I assume much has been amended since that?"

Kylo and Hux nodded their heads,
Almost on tempo.

"What have either of you done?"

"I've exterminated any inadequate stormtrooper that has come to my attention,"
Hux said,
"And I planned ambushes against enemy planets."

Snoke nodded.
It was obvious he was impressed.

"What about you, Kylo Ren?"

"I disciplined those whose thoughts didn't agree with us,"
And he gestured his arm to Hux,
Who looked at him with opened-eyes.
(What an anomaly he was!
Telling half-lies straight to the face of
The man he obeyed for so long!)

Snoke only nodded further.

"Do you know why I am here?"

Kylo began to clear his throat, but Hux
Answered the inquiry faster,
"It's my fault."
He stated,
"I created Star Destroyer, which was too ambitious of an idea. It was destroyed by the Resistance the day it was first used. It was entirely my fault."

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