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On behalf of Lieutenant Mitaka,
Hux was escorted to the most
Area of The Finalizer:

It was Hux's very own
Personal oubliette.
Given with the blessing of
Super Leader Snoke,

He knew Kylo didn't know of its existence;
Maybe it was better that way
He'd be lying if it weren't a utopia to him
At some point.
It used to derive him power far better than
Any contorted form of sex he ever had.

Solely because
It made him cold again when he felt warm.
Poor man killed to lose humanity.
It turned him into the man Papa wanted
And that's all that mattered.
(Oh, does he wish the area never existed.)
(He wish he never existed.)
(Papa you were right.)

Hux dared to tremble within himself
As Mitaka pulled that rug in the storage
Like a bride,
He unveiled Heaven's tarnished gates,
And Hux nearly died.

Slowly, Mitaka opened it for his General,
(Little was he aware that Hux wasn't
Prepared oh no he wasn't he wasn't ready
At all for this!)
Beckoned him over when it had opened.
There, they descended into that once
Most beautiful

The very beginning was the overseer's
Which was filled with security cameras
Of each dungeon.
They had not even reached the dungeon
Itself yet,
And Hux could smell that pungent odor of
The Lieutenant tried not to show it,
But there was clear disgust on his face
From it

Hux leaned over to the cameras,
And witnessed what he had done
In each cell
From so long ago.
Switching from camera to camera,
He saw his reality.

He was a blasphemy.
An absolute disgrace to the face of God
ESPECIALLY when he was one of the
Only people left on that horrific Finalizer
That still cradled their very own mortality.

Years ago,
A prisoner came down with an unknown
Now, that prisoner is a skeleton,
Black from the dead tissue stuck to him
The brown vomit he threw up every day
Was still crusted to the floor.

A mother and her child,
Both raped and stabbed to death by
His comrades,
Remained as rotting corpses in a single
Corner for mice to eat.
In fact, the mice had eaten the mother
So ravenously,
(Like pigs!)
That there was a blood encrusted hole
Where the womb and pelvis
Should be.
Untouched and pink,
Hux noticed the head of a fetus
Popping out from the hole.
It was dead.
It was most certain dead.
But it begged Hux to save it.

For the first time ever,
And to his horror,
Hux could sympathize with the grief Kylo
For the Orellian baby.

He wanted to stop.
Turn off the cameras and claw his eyes out
Till he died

He decided to look at one more,
And the image from it
Would probably never leave him.

In the very last room,
A man hung himself from the ceiling.
His body somehow was refusing to decay,
So it stayed just as did on the day he
Actually did kill himself.
In a way,
He still seemed alive.

Hux walked back and covered his face.
That energy was supernatural
And kicked at his stomach.
It was probably their ghosts
And they knew
He was the man credited with the atrocities
Done to them.
Papa would be proud.

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