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General Hux and Colonel Datoo
Quarreled back and fourth
About which planet to attack next
Until they reached their
Goldilocks resolution.

It was Iona.

Predicted to be easy enough to take out
For Datoo,
Yet having a population with adequate
Artillery to
Satisfy Hux's blood lust.

"Should we start preparing then General?"
The Colonel asked.

Hux nodded.
"How long do you think we'll be able to attack before Supreme Leader makes his arrival?"

"Two, maybe three days."

A wave of sweet ebony blanketed Hux's
Proud body.
It made him smirk.
"That's perfect."

Footsteps entered the area.
They pounded like pistons,
Making their way to The Bridge.
Up to Hux until the figure was at
Least a foot behind him.

She wanted to hit him she wanted to
Smack him she wanted to do anything
With her iron hands
That would make Hux go and
Start talking to him.
(Too bad that if she did in that moment,
She'd probably be assaulted.)


"Kylo Ren visited me."

"What about it?"

"You never talked to him. Hux I can't believe you wouldn't-"

Hux was puzzled,
"When was this? Because I did enter his quarters around one in the morning."

Phasma became quiet.
"...It was around midnight when he talked to me. I'm glad you actually did talk to him, because if you hadn't, I would have cross punched you until you did."

Hux laughed,
"That sounds fun."

Phasma smiled beneath her mask,
Then she turned into curiosity.
"What did you tell him?"

"That I was wrong."

"What did he do about it?"

"He cried, as always."

A mixture of shock and pity dribbled
Onto Phasma's face.
How could the General be so plain about
Was he blind?


"I think that-"
Ren likes you.
He wouldn't have cried over something
Like that if he didn't.
You know what?
Hux could be hopeless all on his own.
He'll love Kylo when he's ready.

"Captain, I don't understand the deal you're making out of this."

That comment caused one of
The General's peers to raise their voice
At him.
(It was the first time in history.)

"You're so pathetic,"
She said,
"The deal I'm making is that you're in denial over your feelings for Ren. He cares about you Hux... So much that you brought him to tears, and don't persuade me otherwise because I've seen you with him. People who just fuck don't have a relationship like you and Ren. I've seen holofilms... They never do that. I can see the love pouring from your face General. You love touching him, you love kissing him, and you can't stand being apart from him. You're hopeless if you can't see any of that."

Gaudiness drained from Hux as he
Shot Phasma a glare of disgust.
She still stood, still as a rock,
Breathing heavy enough that he could
Hear it through the mask.

He had no idea what to tell her.
He didn't even know how to start.

Love was a word that sounded
So xenophobic to Hux.
It left him feeling vile, because
In all honesty,
Love was just as sweet as suicide.
Before its foulness could infect his body,
Hux decided to abandon Phasma,
Disregarding the fact that he hadn't
Even replied.
(Phasma muttered that he was hopeless
Because of it.)

As he marched off the platform,
He caught attention of his flies.
They had cocooned themselves,
And molted into spiders
Far more colossal than he would ever be.
(I'm scared.)

He tripped over his own feet as he
Blood flowed to his face in mortification
As he regained posture,
(Oh, how frail he seemed!!!)
Taking notice to how the spiders had 
Swiveled in their chairs,
Staring with blank faces as venom dripped
From bared chelicerae.
All because of Hux.
(Who was the product of poor breeding

Hux saw himself in their eyes,
And he saw words that slithered
Off of Phasma's tongue
Which came out just to remind him:

He turned and walked.
They circled around him.
Pathetic pathetic pathetic.
It was the very word commonly used
To describe
Armitage was a freckle-faced
Vessel of a boy with an ugly name;
Which dread and imperfection indulged
To live inside of.
Poor Armitage no longer existed.
Hux fought and fought until Armitage finally
Took his last breath,
Killed him like Kylo killed his father.
He didn't want to die though,
That's why the fight was so hard.
(Make sure to tell papa I love him...
You're pathetic.
He doesn't love you, are you blind?)

Hux's body jerked
As gravity made him it's victim
And pushed him too the floor,
But someone stopped it, along with
His feelings.

Hux looked up.
Since when did he decide to appear?

"General?" He asked.
Hux stared at him.
The mask didn't hide the pity.
This was horrible.
This was pathetic.
General Hux was scared again.
(But Kylo's warm arms...)
((It burned))

Hux pulled himself from him,
Regained composure.
He was stoic again.
(Pathetically normal!)

He brushed any sort of dust or mildew
That could attach to his body during
His fall.
"Thank you, Ren."

Kylo stared at him,
Noticing his bite had almost
Completely healed.
"You're welcome, General."
(Oh the normality it was agonizing)

"Why did you decide to come here?"

"I felt better."

"Seems viable."

Soon, Hux
Walked passed him,
Making sure his left hand brushed over
Kylo's right.
"Meet me in my quarters tonight."

Kylo's stomach jolted.
Velvet was pouring again.

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