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Sleep had taken Kylo
And Hux was preparing to be its next


A droid had popped into the room,
Playing a voice report from Captain Phasma
(Hux scowled at her voice),
Stating how a stormtrooper had
Collapsed during training.

Evidently, the report pissed him off
Because typical totalitarian Hux cannot
Afford a human military.

They must all be mechanical.
Operating in any way less than that
Is not competent.

Hux sighed and shook Kylo awake and
Shoved him away,
Lifting from the tub and
Drying nauseatingly ugly pruned toes.

He rushed to slip on his uniform,
Fixing any loose strands of hair
Enjoying freedom on his forehead,
Pulling them back with product.

Kylo peeked from the side of the tub and
Watched his pale face in the mirror.
The lighting only made his red hair
Even more glorious than they should be.
"What's wrong?"

Hux straightened his collar
Which was already straight enough,
"There's been a subpar issue with a certain stormtrooper."

He threw Kylo's clothes by the end of the tub,
"Get dressed."

Kylo nodded and stepped out of it
As drops of water stuck to his legs
Like morning dew on flower stems.

Hux waited for him before departing.
This was the God-given opportunity
He had needed,
To perfectly terrorize light with darkness.
To make it run away and
cease to hurt Dear Kylo
Ever again.

Phasma had locked the delayed soldier
In an abandoned room isolated from
Populated areas of the ship;
The flies would soon become frenetic
If they heard the noises.
(The less the panic, the more flies
Concentrate on soon to be corpses.)

Phasma left them to rot until God arrived
To smash their face in,
And not even maggot soldiers would notice
The disappearance.

But today,
Hux decided to bless Kylo the honor of
His beloved dirty work.

Glued to a single side of the eerily lit room,
The soldier wiggled her legs and
Destroyed her throat with shrill shrieks and
Pleads for her life,
Promising she'll be better,
But Hux wasn't having any of it.

"Now would be a better time to end her," he said, "her voice is too estrogenic and it's bothering me. How can someone even have a voice that high?"

Kylo held his fist, "I don't want to hurt her."

Hux said it didn't matter.
"These soldiers come to us like flies to a flytrap, so we don't need undesirables like this. For all I know, she could be a product of inbreeding given her ability to pass out as such."

"Hux! You probably worked her over..."

Hux fumbled with the insides of his coat
And furrowed his eyebrows.
"I don't control them, Phasma does, you know that."

"That's not what you said to me when you spanked me."

"Those stormtroopers had no reason to prove they needed to be executed! That's when I have to step in!"

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