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There can only be one God.

No voiced, Hux tore himself from Kylo
And marched to his Superior
In a way that could only be interpreted as:
"False gallantry."

"It's a shame Kylo Ren has to go this way..."
Said the Supreme Leader, lowly,

"...Don't you agree General?"

Hux snapped up from twiddling with his fingers
(Just as pathetically as last time!)
And saw it in his eyes.
Oh, Snoke was mocking him.

"I'm sorry." Was his reply.

He raised his browbones again,
And leaned closer into Hux
As if he hadn't heard him the first time.

"Why must you be sorry, Armitage Hux?"

Hux's eyes stayed fixated on his hands,
For if he dared even look up upon Snoke,
The tears plucking at his eyelashes
May have actually fell out of his eyes.

"I committed a sin," he said,
And hoped.
How he hoped
That Kylo was listening.
Because Hux could feel it:
His eyes still glistened as if he were alive.
(And maybe he was wrong
Maybe he was right
The afterlife had to exist in one way or
Another and
Hux liked to think that Kylo was there
Standing next to him
Like he was a couple minutes ago.
He had to be.)

"It is the most corrupt yet beautiful sins of all time." He began,
Like Snoke was his priest,

"That sin was love, and I loved Kylo Ren more than love itself. I cannot bear being without him, for he is the missing puzzle piece upon my godforsaken life. So, Supreme Leader, with all due urgency, if you plan to kill me, please do it now."

Partially aghast and
Partially vexed by such a remark,
The Supreme Leader frowned upon him.

"If death is what you want, then I assure you, Armitage Hux, that I will do everything in my power to ensure that you stay alive. Maybe I'll just take you back to Papa, and let him discipline you in much more terrorizing ways than I ever will, for you defiled my apprentice, made him think contrary-"

"Actually," Hux said,
Voice weak from the thought of even returning
To Papa,
"If you're speaking in those such terms, then it is your Knight who defiled me. You don't understand that sin of love, Supreme Leader. Kylo Ren loved his father with his entire soul, and he changed on that day he committed his patricide; I'm glad he did, for he wouldn't have changed me if he didn't. He made me discover the humanity in my heart that I thought I had lost, and I shall be forever grateful for that."

The chagrin in which Snoke felt
Caressed him into complete and utter
His best apprentice-
Committed the defilement!
Such a poor appointment Snoke had made!
Perhaps it was justified now that she,
Natural Selection,
Is taking another victim!

The thoughts even drove him to snarl like
A dog
At dear Armitage Hux!

"I don't believe any of that trash which spews out of your mouth, ex-General."

Despite cringing at the 'ex-General' comment,
Hux was nonetheless calmer than his

"To be fair, " he said, "I would have been surprised if you did."

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