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Kylo lied about being sick just to
Get out of work for the day.

No, he did not spend that whole day to
Wallow in depression and self-deprecation,

He just didn't want to see the monstrosity
That was General Hux's face.

Restless, he spent that day meditating
And when it came to the point to where
Even the meditation wasn't enough,
He spent it brooding in the shower.

Kylo leaned over the shower head,
Allowing water to caress the nape of his
He could feel drops race down his spine
Gifting him with relaxation as they did so.

In that pose, Kylo noticed the markings Hux
Had given him again.
Sprawled all over his body,
The ones that made him feel like art.

He adored them the way he adored Hux.
No matter how much Kylo could adore him,
No amount of adoration could
Fend off the creatures that possessed him.

They manipulated and brainwashed him.
Made him into something he didn't have
To be.
(Made him into a monster.)

If it weren't for the First Order,
Hux wouldn't be a monster.
If the First Order didn't exist,
Kylo would have never met him.

He stepped out of the shower,
Popping his lips as he did so.
The pain of Hux's bite ghosted.

Maybe Hux would look nicer if those
Creatures left him.

Creatures // Kylux Where stories live. Discover now