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"Get up, scum."
As much as his eye sockets screeched from
The feeling,
Ben moved his pupils to their corners.

Behind them stood five rebels.
The one holding the blaster to Ben was
Poe Dameron,
And the Heretic-
Who Poe Dameron called Finn-
Stood in the background.

"We are not a threat."
Ben said,
Standing up.
He looked over to Hux,
Who showed no fear
And perhaps even looked

"We only wish the see General Organa."
Hux finished.

They didn't respond back to them.
They only spoke to each other-
Something about interrogating them and
Imprisoning them afterwards.

Hopefully it'll be nothing like the way
Hux used to interrogate.

When the stood,
Poe Dameron handcuffed them.
The tightness already brought their wrists to

Then they started to push them to
The inside of the base.

It was then
That Ben and Hux realized
The Resistance was just like the First Order.

They had their own flies
With their own Spiders to govern them.

Of course,
Even though it didn't seem like it,
Ben and Hux were both deities to them.

They could tell by the shine in their eyes.
How sorrowful.

There was the droid.
The droid Ben and Hux had wasted
For what it seemed
Their entire lives looking for.

It was alive.
It was here the whole time.
It was greeting Poe Dameron,
Staring at Ben and Hux all too different.

Now it seemed
All the Resistance fighters parted in opposite
As it forming their own pathway
For Ben and Hux.
They knew they weren't being treated like
But they surely felt like it.

"What is your name?"
The Heretic asked.

"I'm Ben." Ben answered.

"And you?" He gestured to Hux.

"You don't want to know."

The Heretic narrowed his eyebrows,
"Oh, I surely want to know."

Rather than complying,
Hux hissed out and spat at him,
Nearly headbutted him in the abdomen.
Ben tried to call for him, but
Poe Dameron hollered at him quicker
and kicked him
To the ground.

It took four men to restrain him after that.
The Heretic pulled a knot of rope from his belt
And tied it around Hux's shoulders.
He had two men holding him now,
And a women held her blaster to his temple.
His cheek was bleeding.

Oh, he was ashamed that he couldn't have
Hurt them.

'You're an ass' Ben thought to him.
'That's how you get yourself killed.'
Hux only sighed in response.
It was hard to see his eyes
With the strands of hair blocking them.
Could he see at all?

They were blindfolded near a hangar,
So perhaps it didn't matter.
More people came to restrain them after that.
And then they were tugged down
A flight of stairs.

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