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Ben opened his eyes to war.
That so called war had been the engine
Of an X-Wing fighter.

It made his ears bleed as it passed over him
Above the canopy he lied beneath.
When it's Doppler died,
He could finally calm.

He laid his head back to the lush grass
Which pillowed his face,
And hanging over his head was a fern leaf.
Rich and green,
He saw a spider mother
Hidden within the end of the leaf,
Cuddling her eggs at the stem and
Protecting them
From Ben.

Millicent was curled against his thigh,
And Hux staring at the sky
Three meters away from him.

Ben stood,
And wobbled over to him.

"Where's the tie fighter?" He asked.

Hux, almost shocked by his voice,
Turned to him,
"The landing wasn't easy; I crashed into a lake. I had to carry you here, for should a Resistance pilot notice the wreckage, we won't be anywhere near it."

Ben knotted his eyebrows.
"You had to carry me?"

"You passed out. How you did, I don't know."

Ben rubbed his head,
Tried to remember,
But he couldn't.
All he had was
The vision of an outline
Touching him.
Who it was, he didn't know.

"I don't know either." He said,
Looking down at the ground.
But he came back up,
"I assume we made it to D'Qar?"

Hux nodded.
"I don't know how we're going to find the Resistance Base. We're in the middle of nowhere."

"Well," Ben said,
Looked up to the sky.
The X-Wing was a dot in it now.
Still, he pointed to it.

"The X-Wing, it was really close to the canopy. That means it must be landing. I think we should follow it. I don't feel like the base is far."

Hux picked up Millicent
Who had tip toed her way to him,
and looked at Ben,
"I think we should do it."

With that,
The two stood,
Ben still struggling slighting.
(The limp certainly did not help in this

"Hux." He said.

Hux turned to him.

"You need to take your coat off."


Ben pointed to the First Order emblem at
His shoulder.

"The Resistance sees that, and you're dead.
Take it off."

Hux sighed,
And parted with his beloved coat.
Laid it to rot on the ground
With the plush grass
The spider family.

Ben even took off his hood
As a commerce.

"Oh, and..." he added,
Ripped Spider from his pocket
Returned him to Hux.

"It belongs to you now." Ben said.

Hux took Spider and
Put it in his chest pocket.
It nearly grinned at him as he did so.


The blood boiled magma with Ben's veins.
He could feel his mother
The more he and Hux followed the X-Wing
Which has become nothing but an
In the sky.

The sun was growing tired,
Yet the sky refused to become pink.

Ben and Hux
Tore through vine and
Walked across meadows.
When they entered a clearing,
That's when Ben saw
Another resistance ship had ascending to
The sky.

"Look." He said,
"That's where the base is!" He smiled.
Nearly hopped and danced around

Ben almost combusted and cried onto him
When he said
"I feel my mother there!"

Despite the limp,
He started to run.
Hux ran after him,
Nearly tripped and fell over some
But he caught up to Ben when he
Too fell down.

Hux helped him up.

"Don't overexert yourself."
He said.

Ben was against his chest,
Breathing heavy
With lazy eyelids.

Then he proceeded to tug Hux along with him,
And hid behind a rock when he heard

"We're here." Ben said, shaking.

"Why are you shaking?" Hux asked,
"Isn't this what you wanted?"

"Yeah," Ben said,
"It's just that
I've waited for this for so long,
And now
I'm scared.
This is so different from what I've been accustomed to,
And I don't even know how to get in."

Hux rubbed his back,
And kissed his temple.
"We're going to figure out something.
Don't worry, okay?"

Ben laughed.
"You've been worried this whole time, and now you're the one telling me to calm down?"

"Yeah," Hux said,
"I realized that you need to get used to change-"


A blaster came to the back of both their heads.

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