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Hux watched her; kissed her fingers.

He was kissing with butterfly lips,
Though she still cried.
(Which was honestly no surprise:
He was a demon to everyone.
Even his Kylo.)

She bled all over his lips,
Which he didn't mind.
It was deep purple and tasted peculiar
Like sweet fruit.

He wiped it off his face, and called a droid
To fix her up.

It didn't take long for one to arrive.
It was already eager for requests from
The General, but
He told it to wait.

He told the Orellian woman to
Stay put
If she didn't want to feel so much pain.

But of course, she couldn't understand him.

He tried to tell her with
Hand signals,
Lip reading,
Perhaps even morse code,
But there was no avail.

He sat at the opposite end of her, and
Told the droid to fix her hands.
(Just let nature take its course.)

The droid took her left hand first,
And before it could even put the finger
Back in place,
She shrieked, and then shrieked at the
In her mother tongue.

Hux sighed again, and requested that the
Anesthetize her.

Working together, he held her body
No matter how thunderously she
Wailed and thrashed against him.
Once he had a good place on her,
The droid was allowed to give her the

She shrieked again, wailing into him,
Crying and attempting to kick out of him
Once more


He only held her.
And he held her for a long time
Till the screaming ceased, and she was

He held out the hand to that droid,
Allowed it to shift the bones in place
(The popping nearly ended him)
And taping each lavender finger to a splint.

Hux gave his thanks, and left her to sleep
In that chair.
(He would have laid her in a bed had there
Been one)

He would be checking on her in an hour.

He left for the overseer's room,
And upon opening the door,
His eyes went wide.

Accompanied by two flies,
Kylo Ren was there.

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