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Getting into Kylo's bed again was
A sense of home that Hux hadn't felt
In forever.
(Loneliness could help itself now.)

Kylo was beside him,
Pondering why he hadn't taken his
Melatonin yet.

His back was faced to him,
Though the blue light of the datapad
Absorbed through his eyelids.

It forced him to turn over and ask him,
"Why are you still on that?"

Hux slid a finger over a send message
"I'm discussing with Colonel Datoo regarding the next planet we are doing to destroy. We have three contenders at the moment, but we have been talking about which one we should plan our ambush on; he wants the easiest one to take out, I want the most heavily equipped."

Kylo sat up,
Leaned against Hux's right shoulder.
"Star killer base is destroyed. All we have now is to find Luke Skywalker. Don't you think plotting these attacks would get in the way of that?"

Hux furrowed his eyebrows,
"This is literally the only thing we have left to do at the moment. Finding Luke Skywalker has already proved to be an onerous task. Doing these attacks is all we can do at the moment to keep our power and make others fear us. Of course we're keeping tabs on that droid, but I also believe that these attacks will keep the Resistance from getting too cocky from a hiatus if we ever even did that."

Kylo yawned,
Pushing away those unwanted memories
From beautiful Orellius.
(What if Hux could change?)
"Don't you want to be known for something greater other than being feared?"

"I don't want to be known for the fear, I want to be known for the power."

"You derive your power from fear."

"Who fears me then?"

"Your men."

"Do you fear me Kylo?"

Maybe he won't change.

"No I don't."
Thankfully a thought popped into
Kylo's mind,
"Have you ever considered that you can be powerful from being liked?"

"How can that happen, Ren? You get people to obey you by making them afraid of you."

"No, Hux! You can get people to obey you using respect."

Hux sighed,
"Plenty of people respect me."

"But they're just like you Hux. They get power from fear too,"
Dare he even say it?
Would it be okay to say it?
What would happen if he did?
"People like- people like my Mother...
A lot of people like her and respect her...
They listen to her Hux."

"Your mother wants me dead."

Kylo looked down.
He had a point.

"Me too."

Hux looked at him.
Confusion was stickered to his face.
"What mother would want to kill her son?"

Kylo still didn't lift his face up.
There was no denying that
Hux had a point.

She had every reason to want to
Murder her son.
Kylo was dirty for everything he did.

"I killed father...
She probably wishes upon my death every night before she sleeps.
I wonder what she would have done if she knew her womb held a monster."

Vague childhood memories started to plague
It was when he was Ben
And Ben was pathetic.
So pathetic in fact that his parents
Didn't love him enough to let him be with
Be wasted his life away with his
Practicing the force.
That was his entire childhood.
Nobody came by to tell him hello
And his parents never visited
Or showed love.

Love was what he found in Snoke,
So he reincarnated as Kylo.

Kylo wasn't sure if Snoke was
Genuine or not anymore.

Questioning Snoke made him hurt.
(What would grandfather do?)

Kylo cocooned himself beneath his bed
Because surely, with adequate sleep,
He wouldn't be questioning Snoke

When he makes his arrival,
Kylo would be okay again.

Hux turned off the datapad and laid down
He stared at Kylo
As nearby planets augmented both
Their eyes.
They enriched Kylo's tears too as if
They had become stained glass.

"The light is hurting me, Hux."

Hux wiped away the tears.
While Kylo's face was still wet,
He had become a portrait.

"The light goes away, it always does. If it doesn't, then I'll make it go."

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