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Hux acted utmostly bizarre that day,

Such anomalism was enough to
Capture the attention of his flies,
And even passerby stormtroopers.

He fidgeted and fidgeted,
Pacing back and fourth from room
To room.
Staying put for a second, even to answer
A question
Lasted an eternity for him.

He just looked pitifully sickly;
Sickly enough to raise the suspicion of a
Droid, which inquired if he needed
Medical attention.
(He denied it, but he should taken it to get

The most important thing, however,
Was his lack of criticism.
To his men: it was a blessing.
To his fellow generals: it was a curse.
(He would even dismiss every inquiry he
Received regarding his mental state.)

The Captain even indulged her fair share
Into Hux's behavior,
Dragged him away to some place remote.

(This was going to be the longest time he'd
Have to stand still, he knew it.)

Looking closer at him, he was sweating,
Maybe even panting like a dog
At some moments.
He twiddled with his thumbs, clearly not
Ready to be in Phasma's presence since
She caught him inside Kylo Ren.

"General, what is the matter?"

"Nothing." He snapped.
He was trying to find something behind
The crack of the door.

"No, it's not nothing. That's first time I've heard you raise your voice today. I could help you if you tell me what's wrong."

Hux told her that he was fine, and he
Tried to leave,
But Phasma blocked him as he headed
Toward the door.
She threw her helmet to the side
And cocked her head.
"Is it about Ren?"

Hux ignored the question, and became
More frantic for an exit.
His eyes were grave. His heart pounded
Faster than it did just a second ago.

Oh, what he'd give
To literally zip her mouth together at this

"General, I know it's about Ren. He hasn't appeared all day. And I see you peeking behind me. Searching for him, I presume?"

Poor man was lost.
"General, what happened?"

Hux sighed,
"We had a petty fight. That's all."

She leaned in closer,
"Do you want to discuss it at all?"

(Can't tell her much can't tell her how Kylo
Is changing)
"He thought I cared about him when I told him I didn't."

Phasma erupted into a fit of laughter.
Her sneering was nearly as annoying as
A paper cut wound.

"Are you being serious?? Hux I don't know what contorted form of rhetoric you base your ideals from, but it's obvious you care about Kylo. And I think you may like him too."

Personally, Hux felt horribly offended.
"I don't care about him at all! In order to care about someone, you have to love them."

"So who do you care about, Hux?"

"My parents."

"Besides that."

"No one."

"Hux, you do realize that you can care about someone without loving them, correct? You're my friend. I care about you. That doesn't mean I love you. I care about Ren, and I don't love him either"

He stared at her,
Actually considering what she said.
She could tell it on his face,
So she put her helmet back on.
"You care about him."

"I might."

She raised a brow, "you do."

Hux blushed.
"I do."

She smiled under her helmet.
"Are you going to talk to him about it?"

Hux gasped melodramatically, slapping the
Captain's shoulder,
The metal stung him more than it did her,

"Absolutely not!"

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