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Yeah, I'm back. Welcome, new readers and old readers!

Okay, everyone knows this "welcome"-Chapters. So let's beginn!

First of, under this chappy, you can post your suggestions. This doesn't mean I will automatically draw what you want, though. I don't do requests anymore since I can't finish them or cuz I don't like what was requested. Sorry, kay?

So, there will be a few kinds of art I'll be doing here:

- Fanart: This includes Wattpad artist's OCs and artists from otehr platforms. I don't consider everything else a Fanart in this case.

- RPFRP (Random Pics For Random People): I will once in a while search out a random person with who I'll chat a bit to find out what they like (e.g. Transformers) and draw it for them; completely randomly.

- Art Trades: They are always open. if you want to do one with me, please contact me through PM

- Contest Entrys: This should be clear, right? I enter Art Contests, what else?

- Scrools: School + Scribbles = Scrools. In other words, stuff I've drawn in school

- Other art: Not drawn stuff like wire figures and so on.

I will also point out whether the drawing is:
- Realistic
- traditional
- digital
- sketched
form now on. I hope to remember this. Also, I will point out whether a drawing is still WIP or not. If it's a sketch, it's very unlikely to be a WIP though, of course. Makes sense? No? Good.


I will accept any kind of pronouns. they/he/she. It doesn't matter to me.
I have two OCs. One is a blue male cat-hybrid (a chimera) called Freak (who is kinda like my persona, I guess? Still couldn't figure it out) and a male Creepypasta OC called Patchwork who is a wolf. You'll see enough of them in here.

And.... before you think bout becoming friends with me:
- I have a BIG older-siblings-complex. In other words, I'll treat anyone and everyone as my older sibling and talk to them as if they where since I miss mine.
- I have a sleeping disorder which is the reason why I'll almost be online 24/7
- You can always talk to me. In return, you can expect me to write you whenever I feel bad. Or just reasonlessly.
- I'm weirder than you might think
- According to my classmates I am: Annoying, loud, noisy and unbearable
- Mess with my Wolf-Senpai (Wolf_Visions) and I'll have to bury yet another body
- I'm weird and crazy. And maybe a little bit psychotic.
- Friendly advice: Never call Freak (my OC) a Neko. I'm tired of burying bodys.

Apparently, I was born on the date where America finished building and testing the first ever atom bomb. I wasn't born that year (1945). Just that month and day.
Great, right? .-.

This is the account I share with my Senpai: NO! IT'S DEAD!
I am also admin of the account: Team-Artist
I also have a second account: Antirac

Anyways, If you read till here already, you seem to have some time so why not check out these following awesome peeps? Do it for me, Kay?

Dark_Angel_7 (my only rl friend on here)
Frosteh_Petalz (really nice person who can draw really well)
Wolf_Visions (Awesome friend and Senpai)
Bob_McFallen (Person I can always talk to. She draws really good as well)
datfluffybunni (Also a hlaf-Senpai and awesome artist)
Endeer_Senpai (Artist who is way to modest.)
(Amazing friend, aritst and roleplayer and also one of the first peeps on Wattpad I knew)

These peeps are not listed in a specific order. If you like my art, You'll love theirs since they are WAY better than me. (in fact, you can look at everyone's account I'm following since they're all better than me. XD)

So, have fun, don't lose your way back to sanity and maybe consider getting a Psychotherapist (You know something's wrong with you when you read it as "Psycho the rapist"... he he...). I don't take any responsibility for your safety.

UPDATE: I finally made a cover!! Yay, me! (This took way too long)

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