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I... I'll be gone. Those of you who actually read everything I write in the chapters know it already.

I'll be gone from today on three weeks. Last time I was away, I got 700+ Notifications. Please don't spam me this much this time ._."
Seriously, if I get more than 500 I won't even try to go through all of them. Just no.

I hope I can have some fun in those three weeks, and I hope that it won't end like the other times.

I'll be in Germany, but I won't be online, simply because that'd take my phone too much energy and it's already empty so fast.
If I'm lucky, we'll get on a campsite where there's electricity. But even if, it'll only be so I can stay in contact with a few people through pm. You can pm me during that time but it's not certain that I'll write back.

Now, I have a favour to ask you.
Please give me some ideas to draw. Of course they'll turn out shitty as hell since I'll be drawing in a driving car, but I don't got anything else to do. Also, please don't ask for very specific things since I won't have internet, as I said.
just simple things, that'd be nice.

Welp, with this chapter I lost half of my readers. Well done, Freak, well done.

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